With the weather turning cooler my thoughts have turned to electric trains, more specifically, Christmas layouts. I've seen some very nice Polar Express layouts on Youtube and was wondering if others have built or are in the process of building one. TW design built a wonderful facsimile of the PE mountain for a gentleman, and it was featured in a TM video and one of the magazines. They apparently made the North Pole buildings out of cardboard. Another talented guy built a mountain with the PE train traveling ing up and down, that was very impressive. These can be found by searching on Youtube.
With Lionel featuring both scale and semi-scale Polar Express trains, I am wondering if anyone has endeavored to build a layout that let's the trains run through some of the fantasy scenes from the movie.
My former layout was not PE themed but nevertheless was inspired by Christmas, picture below. While I am currently building a more "scale" or hi-rail layout, I am tempted to divert what little hobby time I have to perhaps building a new Christmas layout. To do a decent representation of the Polar Express would take a large area, unfortunately. If anyone else is building a Polar Express or Christmas themed Railroad please share your pictures for inspiration.