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As I understand it, Lionchief Remotes are unique to their Lionchief engine item number.  So, unless your other Lionchief Remote is for the Polar Express 10th Anniversary engine, it will not communicate with it.  Therefore, you'll need the Universal Remote or you will need to use the Lionchief APP.

If the Lionel video shows something different, that would be interesting and would be worth posting.

@Zeke13 posted:

As I understand it, Lionchief Remotes are unique to their Lionchief engine item number.  So, unless your other Lionchief Remote is for the Polar Express 10th Anniversary engine, it will not communicate with it.  Therefore, you'll need the Universal Remote or you will need to use the Lionchief APP.

If the Lionel video shows something different, that would be interesting and would be worth posting.

Yes they are unique but the Universal Remote will control both of his LC engines just fine.  I think at least I'm reading it that he intends to use the UR to control both LC engines.

Last edited by MartyE
@Rivesm posted:

Need help.   My Polar Express Remotewill not turn on.   I have cleaned all contact points for batteries.    Advice needed badly?

Let's get back to this original remote.

The first rule today is that batteries are NOT all the same. This is a huge part of the problem- that batteries are not manufactured to a standard exact length, diameter, and tip shape. Because of sometimes significant variations in these KEY DETAILS- the common battery holder in remotes and other electronic devices may not even make contact with the particular batteries you are trying to use. Again, even with a known brand, from one batch to the next, it is very apparent that the manufacturing tolerances are just not being maintained.

The remote battery tray area specifically is designed to NOT electrically connect to a battery that has been placed in the wrong physical direction and polarity. The way it does this depends on the fact that the battery has a tip or protrusion or bump on the + end, and is dead flat on the - end of the battery. That nub or post of the positive end fits into a molded slot in the plastic battery tray to make contact to the metal also in that slot. If the nub is not at long, or incorrect diameter or shape, it will not make contact at the positive end.

Workaround typically involves using different batteries or sometime metal (example brass or copper strips, folded aluminum foil) basically something to insert between the positive battery end and the slot in the battery tray.

This exact same thing happened to the Menards remotes- but because battery tolerance and sizing has gotten so out of hand- it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to know the tolerance of manufactured batteries is so bad it won't work in a Lionel remote either.



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Last edited by Vernon Barry

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