I arrived home to no less than 50 plus alerts to a thread started about a special run boxcar. Frankly, I was surprised that something like this would be produced but in today's world, I should not be surprised by anything. Of course, the topic brought out political comments because the boxcar is "political" in a different way compared to the Trump and Biden offerings. Don't pretend that you don't know what I mean.
The time has now come for OGR to take some sort of stance as we DO NOT want this forum to become a political firing ground. So, effective immediately, OGR is going to review any post promoting product that has a political "slant" and on a case by case basis will determine if we are going to allow it to be promoted here.
We don't care what political party you align yourself with because that is your right but we are not going to allow anyone to turn this forum into what Facebook and other forums/sites have turned into. Our terms of service specifically state to keep your politics to yourself and this includes not only the comments you make on this forum but it also includes certain products that illicit strong and vulgar comments.
So....if you decide to participate in making political comments on this forum, we will close your account and ban you from rejoining. And before you get your back all arched up, keep in mind that you agreed to our terms of service and so we are NOT going to refund your subscription money if you break our terms of service and get booted off the forum!