Hi All
I posted to a Wanted topic the other day and it got refused. So I trimmed the waffly bits off and tried again ... it got refused again. Here's the text, anybody got any ideas why it was refused?
***, just in case ... I've got a selection of 'left-overs' from 3-rail to 2-rail conversions, as you can guess mostly wheelsets, couplers and pickups. I can never bring myself to throw anything away, so I do have some Weaver 3-rail diesel gearbox/wheelsets (pre-China Drive versions) that I have no use for. Straightforward conversion if you see any 2-rail versions of their RS3s, GP38-2s and Alco FAs for sale.
I'm down in Wiltshire at present, email is in my profile. There will be a 3-rail layout at the Winchester Meet in October.
The OP also lives in the UK and was searching for a particular diesel. This post was intended to be a 'maybe I can help sort out an alternative loco'.