Not sure what or why but I had three e-mail requests this week for a diagram of my layout or explanation of how I mix and match Superstreets/EZ-Street and railroad tracks. However and whatever caused these near simultaneous requests, here it is.
I would certainly like to see diagrams of other layouts. I am very interested in how everyone lays their trainroom out. I hope others will post here.
Note: I do not use track-planning software. I planned my layout "freehand" drawing with graphics in MS Powerpoint. There are three .ppt-derived diagrams below: overview with everthing, a view of just the RR track, a view of just the raods (Superstreets or EX-Street). I have about 415 feet of Fastrack and a bit less than half that of roads, all on about 350 sq. ft of bench/shelves.
Overview: my layout is in a finished attic. It is far from perfect but I am particularly pleased with the three-dimensional nature of it: every loop goes up and down and over and under other things and other loops. It does not look nearly as crowded as it appears on the diagram. Dotted lines are in tunnels or underneath the scenery. Overall it is a bowl of spaghetti that has a lot of action and movement with every train and road coming close to every one else.
Railroads. I have four loops, as color coded, and six sidings to park trains.
Roads: I have just under 200 feet of Superstreets, etc. Note: whenever I go out of sight (the dotted lines) I use an SS-track converter and use normal O-27 radius track - cheaper, I can use switches for my SS vehcile storage sidings, and the 27" radii are easier on the vehicles. I also have the lake with one moving boat (and another on the way) and may doing moving ducks/fisherman or something on the Pond someday. Actually the helix is mis-labeled. It goes from the yellow down to the beige coun try road loop.