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I made a video and when I tried to add it to my post it came up as an error. I tried again but same thing. Not being great of this computer is there something I have to do to the video before I can add it to my post. All help greatly appreciated. Thanks.................Paul

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Adriatic thanks for that information. Rich the information I got highlighted in red showing was DCN 2600.AVI 236.78 MB ERROR. The information I pulled off the camera was

Nikon COOLPIX S4000

DCN2600.AVI 236.78MB

1280 X 720 - 236 MB


Wish the videos work liked the pictures do but maybe I have to learn how to go to other sites to make this work. Thanks for your help guys..............Paul


Putting stuff on photo sites, and in clouds like MS One Drive, or Google's "Drive" is a good way to keep backup of things you can access later if your machine dies. I've lost many photos to dead hard drives because I hadn't made a disc copy yet. The clouds can be set to automate backup.

I think you are over limit. Usually about one minute is the video limit, depending on the quality.


If shooting the trains running faster cuts the video running time by more than half, then go for it. However, as I said in my post, you should edit the video to make it shorter or re-compress the video using a more aggressive compression setting.

Your file is an AVI file and is evidently direct from the camera. The AVI file format (your filename is DCN2600.AVI) is a file type that is only very lightly compressed. You should look at compressing it into the MP4 format using H.264 compression. That will result in a much smaller file size for the same video.

Do you have any video editing software on your computer? Even Windows Movie Maker, as bad as it is, is better than nothing.

If you can't do any of those things, set up a YouTube account, upload it there and then embed it here. There is no file size limit on YouTube.

Last edited by Rich Melvin

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