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Hello all,  new here. Been lurking for while, this my first post.  I have a 1938 700K Hudson that is a 2 rail conversion. It appears to be professionally done and overall the model is superb condition. Serial # 382983 with kit plate on firebox bottom. My question is: Did Lionel ever offer a Kit option for conversion to 2 rail??. I know that a center blind driver option was available for the 700E hence the 700Ex. Any help or info will be greatly appreciated.


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No, Lionel did not offer a 2 rail kit, or a swap kit, or anything like that ……the 700E was such a fine model, many 2 rail folks converted them back in the day, …’re lucky you got a good one. Many I seen were hack jobs, that basically destroyed the engine. If you get a chance, for more discussion, post up detailed pics of your engine. It’s always nice to see good quality work, especially from a by-gone era of old world craftsmen….


Lionel offered an outside third rail conversion for the 700E.  Otherwise, outside of club layouts I doubt the market for 2 rail O conversions was enough to justify a kit of insulated wheel sets and corresponding power pickups.  The blind center driver option was simple enough...Lionel just offered the one from a 763.


If you just want to run that neat engine on three rails in forward, maybe you could rig up a center rail pickup on the trailing truck and wire the motor to that pick up and to some of the wheels on the outside rail.

Adding or fixing up one of the six wheel trucks on the coal tender is another option.

Fixing up  a reverse or e-unit would be more involved.


Last edited by Choo Choo Charlie

That is not a Lionel motor. My guess is that it is a DC only motor. It could be run on AC with some diodes. The original style motor could be put back in if the mounting flange was not modified. The 700E was designed to run on tee rail track, so there are not a lot of operational options. The flanges are smaller than the original Lionel flanges. My guess is this loco is set up to run on a scale O railroad with very large radius curves. Converting it back to what Lionel intended could be a major undertaking.

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