Really??? Yesterday I became interested in the 44 Tonners. While searching I came upon the preorders for the Lionchief USMC version. I’m so disappointed. It’s yellow! Without searching to see if there was an actual engine in yellow, of which I could care less, why didn’t Lionel just paint them in Olive Drab? All Marine gear is plain in paint schemes. Usually only the U.S.M.C. marking to identify it as Marine Corp equipment. Yellow🤨
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US Navy, of which the Marines are a part both have there locomotives painted yellow. I have never seen an OD color military locomotive.
Army, black later red.
Air Force, blue.
Navy, yellow.
I appreciate your response NHVRYGray. I was ignorant to the fact that there were actual USMC engines. That still doesn’t negate the fact that I’d like to see an Olive Drab marked USMC on my layout. After all, it is my tiny little world. It’s a shame I don’t have enough courage and talent to just paint a scheme I want on a brand new engine.
In the real world this actual engine was painted yellow at the end of its service with the Corps with black letters. Then it was sold to the civilian world.
Thanks for the heads up Devil Dog. Semper Fi. Found one New in Box. I just called to make sure they still had one in stock. It should ship today from Nicholas Smith Trains
Obxtrainman, excellent news. Once you get it post some photos or video.
Semper Fi!!
In Real Life, all I ever saw were those big red army engines but if anyone else is looking for that OD 44 Toner, my friends at Western Depot have it in stock.
My 44 Tonner is supposed to be here tomorrow 🤪 I’m glad you mentioned the Menards gondolas. I just ordered a 4 pack. I had never heard of Menards while I was still messing with my layout back in 2007. Anyhoo, now I’ll have a USMC consist. I’ll overlook the Camp Pendleton thing😜 I was only there for a few days while transferring to Okinawa.
Semper Fi
@obxtrainman posted:
I love the torii !!!
This place looks great!
Semper Fi !!
Thanks for the compliment CharmCityAirLine. The one thing that was a must when I started this 21 years ago was a tribute to my beloved Marine Corps. This area ended up being where all of the wiring goes down to the ZWs.
@obxtrainman posted:Thanks for the compliment CharmCityAirLine. The one thing that was a must when I started this 21 years ago was a tribute to my beloved Marine Corps. This area ended up being where all of the wiring goes down to the ZWs.
The local riffraff will think twice before messing with those switches...
Hello Brothers,
im not a fan of the color and the size but i will still be getting one. Its a Marine item so i have to have it. The MTH one is great looking but i dont have the DCS system yet.
Love the Base scene, i have some fun ideas for my layout when i get to those areas.
A little short video to keep the blood flowing. The USMC 44 Tonner with i it’s USMC rolling stock
I received mine yesterday. I was busy cutting shelves to size so all I did was unbox it. I love it! I haven’t been buying new engines for a long time. I had purchased two lion chief engines to keep going because all of my 20 year old traction tires have stretched from setting unused for 18 years. Back to the Tonner. I was so surprised to read that running it using my conventional AC power, I can do many things by using a combination of whistle, bell functions. I’m thinking/hoping that I’ll be able to manipulate things with my cab2 in conventional mode once I hook it up. I’m mentioning this for train wreck Nate. I’m not even considering investing in any other control systems. Maybe buy the cab3 base after it’s been tested for a few years. I’m waiting patiently on my gondolas to get here this coming week. Ooh raahh! By the way, the base area is where I have my secret shipments of TP and paper towels offloaded at🤪
Semper Fi
Obxtrainman, congratulation on receiving your “44Tonner”. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed mine.
I see that there is a lot of military Rolling Stock in the market, but all of them are Army. I am hoping that they will make some with Marines markings. But I have a gut feelings that I might end up doing those changes at home.
Obxtrainman I see you have one of the leatherneck lagers. I got one off of a forum members years ago. I haven’t seen one since.
Hello Jarheads. TR Nate I found the Leather neck lager car long ago new in the box at a shop in Wendell NC outside of Raleigh. I can’t remember the name of the place but Ms Edna ran it. She was always a pleasure to talk to. I used to run into her at shows. Devildog, it’s flat out discrimination against Marines🤪. I’ve ordered a boom tender to repaint and mark to end my consist. I’ve been racking my brain to come up with loads for the gondolas. What would they be hauling around on base. Spent artillery shells maybe? Maybe one or two of the junk loads.
@obxtrainman posted:
I received mine yesterday. I was busy cutting shelves to size so all I did was unbox it. I love it! I haven’t been buying new engines for a long time. I had purchased two lion chief engines to keep going because all of my 20 year old traction tires have stretched from setting unused for 18 years. Back to the Tonner. I was so surprised to read that running it using my conventional AC power, I can do many things by using a combination of whistle, bell functions. I’m thinking/hoping that I’ll be able to manipulate things with my cab2 in conventional mode once I hook it up. I’m mentioning this for train wreck Nate. I’m not even considering investing in any other control systems. Maybe buy the cab3 base after it’s been tested for a few years. I’m waiting patiently on my gondolas to get here this coming week. Ooh raahh! By the way, the base area is where I have my secret shipments of TP and paper towels offloaded at🤪
Semper Fi
I like the MUTT M151