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I’m a real new year to this.

I unearthed my old Lionel train from a box when my mother moved into nursing home.

I have a 1666 locomotive , not sure tender number, 2679 boxcar with electric coupler (box coupler)

2682 caboose with electric coupler, and a couple more.

Got most everything up and running, looking for info on maintaining and repairing couplers, missing the top of box on one car, also can I lubricate (oil) the solenoid that uncoupled cars.

any advice or source of literature would be appreciated.



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Oil is not the best lube for a solinoid. From surface tension to attacting crud. Just oil pivots/pins lightly.  It is fine to flush with oil to remove rust or whatever, and hit with electrical contzct cleaner to remove excess, but leaving oul along the plunger path is not helping the action. Most solinoids should run dry without lube.

If it REALLY needs help, try graphite (lock-ease) (can be messy) or "dry lube" spray would be my choice. "T-9", dries to a thin teflon based wax-like coating and won't conduct any electricity if it manges to get were it doesn't belong (hard but possible...and T-9 is great stuff. A Boeing aleron lube/anti ice product. I don't use graphite anymore

Spellchecks run amuck at times... might not even be what you typed

It you go the T-9 route, you can use it quite sparingly and the can will last many years. The stuff works very well imo, I wasted a lot at first on big stuff like van doors frozen shut for a decade, etc.... it penetrates slowly but decently.  Never affected plastics that I saw either.(but may be pita to try and paint after use... silicone does that too fyi )

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