I am trying to creat images from what I have seen from the areas of the country I wish to model form. I don't want to be captive of what is available in plastic or wood models as many are not from the present period. I'd like to take photos of some buildings that I'd like to put on the layout and guess how one does it to scale in the printer. I would have to first achieve the prespective problem as to where I take the picture to be sure some parts of the building arent out of scale which I think I won't be able to achieve on many shots. I want to do long track side warehouses that are 2 or 3 stories. and most likely have to print in sections. Trouble arises when the focal point changes or the distance from a single point as closer in the middle and farther on the edges. . Have any tried and what is the best height to have the focal point as I would imagine the higher the better. As one walks down the subject building front taking pictures of it for printing in sections so it to affix to a backboard. How many feet about would one have to go to be too far for the subject to be distorted on the edges. Are there programs out there that can melt these images together. The closer to the subject the better but I don't want to be pasteing sections of height too so I want to capture as muchof the building in the photo to include the bottom and top. A piece of paper is 8 inches and so 1/4 scale i could comfortably get a 32' high building and a section about 40' long. Gee, I might be answering one of my own questions, fill the frame with the height and walk 40'and take another, but there could be distortion in that 40' enough to make the building out of portion. If and when I get this done it will be a far less expensive way to add details to the layout.