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While you have the pan off, place the engine on a test track and power it up. 

Cycle the pans, keeping an eye on the little blocks that move the pan. See if they move back and forth as you "raise and lower" the pan.

If they don't, you need to dig into the engine a bit deeper as you may have a slipping or broken drive belt. 

Since you can hear the pan motor working, a belt issue may be the cause.


You can try cycling the pan and moving it up and down by hand to see if it "catches" the pan tabs.

if the motor runs but the small blocks don't move, you need to open the engine up. 

It isn't as bad as it sounds. I just repaired the pans on three of my GG1s. The problems ranged from slipping belts to stuck gears. You just need to go slow and deliberate when working so you don't break any wires or loose track of parts.

I am sure the more technical guys will chime in here before long. They all helped me with my defective pans. 

Finally, here is a thread with some clues and facts that may help you too...



Last edited by Krieglok

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