Thanks JohnB, Yes, I definitely love both my Legacy K4's and the #460 E6 (11224). Having them is providing most of the push or interest in upgrading my Williams Brass K4's. Besides, you can never really have too many scale K4's, I realized I'm up to 10, 2 Lionel, 4 Williams, 1 MTH, and 3 ancient Scale-craft not to mention another pile of semi-scale and postwar versions.....
Will have to look up whether PRR ever numbered a K4 as #25, I know they did have some low numbers so it is possible. Here's ,my Williams streamlined and std prewar K4, Williams L1, MTH first premier K4 and the Lionel 11319 and 11224 (E6) in the lower pic. I guess the one thing that might be true is if you can't find a Lionel Legacy K4, you should be able to purchase and upgrade either a Williams Brass or possibly one of the earlier MTH Scale K4's for the same or slightly less money if you are lucky. I haven't seen many of the recent Lionel Legacy K4's listed anywhere for less than $500, my Polar k4 being an exception. You have to look hard for those, and be ready to JUMP on it when you see it. Don't wait five minutes if the deal is that good. I've paid, $60, $79, $139, and $225 for my four Williams Brass K4's, found the MTH for $99 and the Polar K4 for less than $300. So that is 6 scale K4's for less than the list price of a single new Legacy K4... They are out there . Shake the bushes and Pounce!