What's up Everybody
I'm just kinda wondering and putting out a feeler here, I got this NEW PRR Legacy S1 Duplex, she's a beauty... I got it from Nassau Hobby Center (great guys to work with) and I got the train home and put her through her running time after I programmed her. She appears to be kind of querky, she will jump off of my O-81 track in a second. I have to make sure she has all of the trucks absolutely in place and watch her as she goes around. She has derailed already in 4 different spots during this break in period. I know my track isn't 100% in its setup as of yet, but I haven't experienced this kind of situation with a brand new train. I wondering what happens when she engages O-72, is my situation UNIQUE ??? Are there any recommendations or tweaks I can apply ? - MARSHELANGELO