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Updated 11/28/2009:

ALIVE!! It's Alive!

Sorry, I got carried away with the Young Frankenstein references. Maybe it was looking at Teri Garr that caused it!

Anyway, I am pleased to announce that PRR Panhandle is powered and running and back in business!! I want to give a special thanks to forum member Mike CT for providing the BPC and proofing my wiring diagram.

The new Block Power Controller (BPC) is now part of the western power distribution panel and is controlling juice to Blocks 5 (Coal Mine Spur), 6 (Weirton Junction Yard), 7 (Hidden Storage Yard - when it gets installed), and 8 (Weirton Steel Yard).

The next step is refitting the Hidden Storage Yard back under the western end of the layout, programming its DZ-2500 switch machines, and wiring it to the rest of layout.

Last edited by G3750
Updated 12/21/2009:

I have more progress to report, although it is not strictly related to the layout. During the big snowstorm this past weekend, I was able to re-organize and catalog a number of storage bins holding train cars, automobiles, and related items. I now have an updated master list. Probably some thinning of the herd will take place soon. All these storage bins had been in the furnace room (workshop) since the water damage in August. These were moved to their usual storage spots under the benchwork.

Came home from work yesterday to find out that my eldest son had finished cleaning and organizing the workshop! Wow, what a nice surprise!

Then he helped me put the yard back under the layout. I still have to wire it up and program the switches, but we're making progress.

Bottom line, we're back in business. There are clean work benches and projects waiting!

Feels great!

Updated 02/14/2010:

Last night after a few hours of moving around support boxes and using a car jack, I finally got the storage yard into its (fingers crossed) permanent location. I still have to connect the lead track’s roadbed, but all other supports have been screwed into their locations. The yard is attached to 4 existing layout legs and I have one new leg supporting it as well. Wiring and programming of switch machines is next. The whole thing took about 5 hours. Photo 6 shows the yard prior to installation. The last 3 photos in the album show the yard as it is installed.

I'm pretty happy with how quickly it went into place. Progress!

As usual, your comments and questions are welcome!

Last edited by G3750
Updated 2/21/2010:

Tonight I completed wiring the hidden storage yard track to the western distribution panel. I also connected insulated control rails (used for detecting track occupancy) for the 4 stub yard endings to a master cut-off switch (single throw; quadruple poles). I updated the wiring spreadsheet for the western distribution panel. The yard uses cascading terminal strips; I just didn't want to have seven 6' wiring runs.

Given all the wiring, false starts, and reworked wiring over the past 4 years, I've nearly gone through the two 500' spools (red and black) of 14 gauge stranded wire.

Next up:
Lay the final connecting single piece of track to the yard
Program the DZ-2500A switch machines for the yard
Test, test, test!

Last edited by G3750
Updated 2/26/2010:

I seem to be swimming upstream against a heavy current. Talk about doing things the hard way... I should have installed the buss drops to the 5 yard switches (from above) BEFORE putting the yard in position. Makes it harder to run control wires.

The struggle here is to stay disciplined and wire ONE yard switch and then test it. The temptation is to do all 5 switches and end up backing that stuff out or debugging all 5 installs.

So far I've got buss drops to 3 of 5 switches, but my transformer cart has not been hooked up yet. Baby steps...

Updated 2/28/2010:

The struggle continues, but I am making some progress. Switches 17, 18, and 20 are programmed and operating under TMCC. Switches 19 and 21 still remain. I'm experiencing some problems with the pushbuttons, but we're still chasing those.

The layout has been powered up and the BPC is working properly. Track power to the yards is being controlled through that device. Power is available to the new yard (I have cabin cars lit up on all the stub tracks).

Updated 3/6/2010:

Wire nuts - both a blessing and a curse!

I've learned that wire nuts are really useful and potentially misleading when putting together two wires of different gauges. I had one disguising that fact that the two wires had become disconnected. That's what was causing my DZ-2502P pushbutton to show both RED and GREEN indicators as ON. I decided to check all the connections one more time, which is how I discovered the problem.

We probably don't have any issues with any of the DZ-2502Ps. I'm in the process of wiring those - maybe I'll get to them today.

Updated 3/07/2010:

I am still in the process of wiring the last two switches on my hidden storage yard, but I couldn't resist a test run of my Weirton Steel Alco S-2 switcher. I slowly ran it down the steep descent, O72 curve and long lead to the yard. I picked up a cut of 9 MTH ore cars and started back up the hill. About half-way, the switcher started to spin its wheels, so I cut off the last 4 cars. The locomotive inched up the descent like a champion and pulled the train completely out of the mill complex.

I will publish photos soon, but I had to post this. I'm really excited about this major piece of functionality.

Updated 3/14/2010:

As promised, I've added 3 new photos featuring the Open Hearth and the hidden storage yard. One of the photos (7, 8, or 9) has 2 things wrong. Can you spot it? If so, leave a comment.

I haven't had any time to focus on the problems with a couple of DZ-2500 switch machines, but they'll get my attention soon. I did clean up some of the wiring bundles. I also installed a ground plane per Bob Bartizek's instructions (OGR Run 218, December 2006). Thanks Bob!!

Thank you Charlie for the nice words.

That is the first structure I've ever scratch built (why did I pick one so big?). There are going to be more mills. To the left of the building will be an overpass (like you see in Photo 5) and then a blooming mill, office building, and then the Strip Steel mill. These should dominate the entire wall and corner on that side of the layout.

I can't wait to see your video. Is your H-10 conventional or command control?

My father (93) remembers triple-headed ore trains pulling into Weirton Steel in the 1930s. They were probably I-1s Decapods (that's my guess) or maybe M-1 Mountains. The timeframe is too early for J-1s.

I see by your signature that you are a member of PRRT&HS. I just mailed my application today.


Originally posted by pennsyk4:
My railroad is conventional control, using 2 control panels and block system
I added a sound board to the H-10
the PRR probably used hippos on that ore train your father remembers.


You're probably correct. William Neale, who's PRR Panhandle Division (in HO) appeared in a Model Railroader special edition, was kind enough to send me information on the bridge in Grif Teller's painting. I grew up in that area. Bill and I have exchanged info on various aspects of Weirton & Steubenville. Anyway, an April 2, 1927 edition of Railway Age magazine discusses the construction of the bridge (the 3rd on the site). The bridge was designed to bear the weight of multiple Decapod locomotives and a certain loading of axles per those locomotives and associated freight trains.

More than likely, it was I-1s Decapods that my father saw.

Update 4/14/2010:

I put in a ground plane just above the hidden storage yard, but apparently it is not big enough (only 1 wire). I will need to zig-zag more wire above the yard to maintain control. I had my first run-away train in the yard last night. I had to hit the E-Halt button; no damage, but a car was knocked off the track.

I've also been playing with track occupancy circuits using different ways to dim the lights. The bulbs are going to end up in a hotel (lighting different rooms) and they are not rated to handle 18 VAC track power. I may try wiring 2 in series to knock down the current.

Got the train room and layout cleaned up in preparation for some visitors prior to York next week.

I'm looking at some specially made pilots for the Williams K4s that may allow me to double-head them. I'll report back on how well this actually works.

That's it for now.

Last edited by G3750
Updated 5/1/2010...

I picked up some interesting things at York last week, including 18v LEDs, bases for them, and several sets of wired sockets for them. I decided to stop fiddling with diodes, resisters, potentiometers and the like and take the straightforward route. I have installed 5 of the LEDs for track occupancy circuits.

I also expanded the ground plane over the hidden storage yard by 3 wires which are attached to the main wire by "suitcase" connectors. That should help TMCC down there.

Updated 5/8/2010:

I attended the PRR Technical & Historical Society national convention in Camp Hill last weekend. I picked up some excellent information and materials on the Panhandle as well as some Tichy O Scale windows. It's time to start planning the next construction steps / projects. In no particular order:
1) Seedy hotel at wrong end of tracks
2) Finish Weirton Junction yard
3) Build more mill buildings
4) Build Weirton Junction tower
5) Build ingot mold cars for Weirton Steel

More when I know it.

Updated 5/9/2010:

I am pleased to report that NMRA judges visited the PRR Panhandle this past Wednesday and that I have earned my Electrical Achievement award.

To those of you who may have less than flattering opinions of the NMRA, I must report that I have been the recipient of much goodwill, sage advice, and respect and that my interactions with these folks have been nothing less than a blast.

Updated 5/11/2010:

We are now running Snappers (helpers for the non-Pennsy folks) on the PRR Panhandle!

Previously, I had used TMCC to double-head my K4 Pacifics. Tonight I put one K4 at the head of the train and one in pusher service at the rear and ran them as a single TMCC Train. It worked beautifully!

I realize to those running diesels, this is not a big deal, but I'm pretty excited about it!!!

Last edited by G3750
I'm pleased to announce that the PRR Panhandle Division has now been viewed more than 10,000 times in this go-around! In 4 previous postings over the past 5 years, it has been seen approximately an additional 28,000 times.

Thanks to all of you for your continued interest! Knowing that you are following the layout's progress keeps me moving forward.

Thanks everyone!

Last edited by G3750
Updated 07/08/2010:

I have been coming to grips (slowly) with the fact that I have waaaay too many freight cars for my layout. Years ago, I laid out plans for as many as 20 trains that might run on the PRR Panhandle. Unfortunately, I don't have the space to store them all and realistically, I can only run 3 (short) trains simultaneously. All of this got me to thinking about what the realistic length of trains could be. I am not only limited by the layout, but also by the pulling power of my locomotives. With the ability to double-head or use a snapper (pusher), I have become curious as to the practical length of my trains. So, here's my list of experiments that I'm going to run over the next month or so:

1. Number of K-Line & Williams 18" heavyweight cars that can be pulled by the M1a
2. Number of K-Line & Williams 18" heavyweight cars that can be pulled by the double-headed K4s
3. Number of MTH ore cars that can be pulled by the M1a
4. Number of MTH ore cars that can be pulled by the double-headed K4s
5. Number of MTH ore cars that can be pulled by the double-headed L1s+B6sb
6. Number of box cars that can be pulled by the M1a
7. Number of box cars that can be pulled by the double-headed K4s
8. Number of MTH ore cars that can be pulled by the 2 K4s in snapper configuration
9. Number of box cars that can be pulled by the 2 K4s in snapper configuration

All these experiments have to be done after properly lubricating the engines and freight cars (just to have a good reference point).

I will post the results here as we get them.

Updated 7/19/2010:

My first experiment (No. 1), the number of K-Line & Williams 18" heavyweight cars that can be pulled by the M1a, has been run. To be accurate, the train consisted of:

  • PRR B60b Baggage Car #9010 (Weaver)
  • PRR B60b Baggage Car #7906 - REA (Weaver)
  • PRR Broadway Ltd Coach #2544 (Williams)
  • PRR Broadway Ltd Coach #2543 (Williams)
  • PRR Broadway Ltd (K-Line set K4480-4486) Dining Car #4486
  • PRR K4480-6511 Railway Post Office #6511
  • PRR K4480-6042 Baggage Car #6042
  • PRR K4480-8815 Observation Car #8115 "Metropolitan View"
  • PRR K4480-0001 Pullman #0001
  • PRR K4480-3615 Coach #3615 "Herald Square"
  • PRR K3466 Coach #3466 "Times Square"

The M1a pulled 11 passenger / baggage cars with little effort. On my one difficult grade, the engine visibly slowed with all 11 cars, but I would estimate this to be nearly a 6% grade and on a curve to boot. It was pretty amazing to watch. And while I was moving the train by hand, I was surprised at how heavy it was.

I don't have any more "varnish" so this concludes Experiment #1.

More when I know it.

Updated 07/21/2010:

Just a couple of notes on the experiments...

One of the Weaver B60b's had a coupler that would occasionally open under the strain. Tonight I took that car out of the train and ran 10 passenger cars with the M1a just to see how fast I could go. I didn't have a speedometer, but I would guess we were doing much less than the 70 mph Pennsy limit for passenger trains (maybe 30 mph?). That 6% grade is pretty tough.

Also, I tried to run the passenger cars with double-headed K4s, but the second engine is having derailment issues. I'll have to look at that soon, but for the time being, that test is deferred.

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Updated 08/23/2010:

The doldrums of summer continue...haven't done too much on the Panhandle the past month what with summer vacation and kids' events. I did manage to:

  • Ship my second K4s off to a repair shop to fix the "wheelie" problem with the pilot truck. Should have it back soon and double-heading will be possible again.
  • Order and receive O scale styrene brick sheets (1900s Flemish Bond pattern) from the N Scale Architect for my Weirton Junction PRR interlocking tower.

I need to finish that time machine so I can get around to doing the 10 or so backlogged projects on my list! Big Grin

I'm looking forward to York.

Updated 10/1/2010:

Still haven't gotten around to fixing that time machine Big Grin, but here's the latest:
1) Got the second K4 back from repairs. Load testing to resume shortly.
2) Got the train room and office cleaned up (was waaaay out of control). Eek Passenger cars are now stored off layout (closet).
3) Watch for my new photos of my scratch-built ingot mold flatcars. I think that will be a new photo thread.
4) Revamped the To-Do list for the layout. Why don't these things get shorter?? Confused

Updated 10/9/2010:

Did some serious switching with the S-2 tonight. The switcher took 12 ore cars + cabin car down to the storage yard, moved a cut of 10 cars to stub track #3, moved remaining cars + torpedo car to stub track #2, and retrieved a cut of boxcars. With a running start, the S-2 and consist got back up the hill and tacked them onto another locomotive.

During the session, I tested Item 5 from my 7/08 list of experiments:
5. Number of MTH ore cars that can be pulled by the double-headed L1s+B6sb

The answer is "all I got" - 12 ore cars and I did not double head the L1 wth the B6sb. It did it by itself.

Also found two trouble spots with the track, which I will fix tomorrow.

Updated 10/11/2010:

With York only 3 days away, I finally completed my inventory and re-organization of the collection. I started this task two weeks ago and worked on it in an off-and-on manner. Several things have come out of it:

  • More efficient packing and consolidation of storage boxes holding the collection (each box is externally labeled and holds a content list within)
  • An organized spreadsheet of all boxes and their contents
  • An organized inventory of locomotives, rolling stock (by type), buildings, accessories, vehicles, etc.
  • A short list of items I want to sell or give away, many of which have appeared on the For Sale or Trade forum.
  • Improved organization of boxes and space under the layout.
  • Freed up storage space and shelves in the workshop.

Feels good to have this done.

Updated 11/1/2010:

I attended "The Great Scale Model Train Show" in Timonium, MD on Sunday. It really lived up to the name. I found a great number of Tichy windows and doors, wall-mounted lit bill-boards, roof ventilators, and other detail pieces you don't see very often. The windows solidified (in my mind) the design of the Weirton Strip Steel Mill.

This is good; we're going to end up with 3 mill buildings that have distinctive features but obviously share a pedigree.

Last night, I started a new project container with the windows and notes on the Strip Steel building.

Now all I have to do is live long enough to build all this!

Updated 11/3/2010:

As those of us building layouts know, we often revisit finished work and re-assess "done" items. Sometimes this is just a case of our own obsession for perfection, but sometimes there are real, lingering issues to correct. Right now I am debating some of the Panhandle's trackwork issues and the decisions that created them. Areas of concern are:

  • The metal bridge (7' in length) that spans the 2 segments of the layout. I expected a straight, rigid, perfectly bent "shelf" when I ordered it. That isn't what I got and I'm a bit frustrated trying to use shims to get it properly in place. I am experimenting with different braces to see if I can get a level platform with it. If I am unsuccessful, I will replace it with a 5/8" or 3/4" wooden deck. That will require lifting the double cross-over and re-wiring it. I've already taken photos of the underside wiring in anticipation of this dreaded task.

  • Several track joints are too wide and will need to be closed up. This will require re-location of power & ground track feeders, but I'm coming to realize the improvements will be worth the effort.

  • Several spots require more track screws to level out the trackwork and make for a smooth ride.

  • Several power & ground track feeds where I've tucked the wire into the rail will be replaced with spade connectors that snap into the track. This will improve electrical conductivity.

I've often said on this forum that reliability trumps all. It's time to make that a reality on this layout.

Last edited by G3750
Updated 11/8/2010:

Got a number of things done or underway this weekend:

  • Made track and roadbed repairs. Jury is still out on whether or not the metal shelf serving as a bridge will be replaced.
  • Repaired the roof of the Open Hearth (I had a section that had warped and bubbled).
  • Widened the south entrance of the Open Hearth to accommodate bottle cars.
  • Removed a non-functioning pushbutton (it has a partner that works). I tried to have 2 pushbuttons operate the same pair of cross-over switches. That doesn't work.
  • Cut the highway roadbed for the highway overpass at Crawford’s Crossing and determined its placement.
  • Came up with a way to mate two pieces of matte board for the roadbed in mid-slope (carpenter’s shims).
  • Determined the size and location of the Blooming Mill (billboard, transformer and stand); the detailed plan is now in progress.
  • Determined the location of both light towers in the Weirton Steel Yard.
  • Came up with a preliminary plan to separate Weirton Junction area from Crawford’s Crossing (small backdrop and tree line).
  • Came up with a preliminary design for the size and look of the Strip Steel. It will end up being the largest building on the layout.

Updated 11/18/2010:

Made some progress:

  • Painted all the Crow River components for the highway overpass.
  • Painted the highway roadbed (1/8" masonite) for the overpass at Crawford's Crossing.
  • Purchased automotive pin-striping (white) to use for the highway line markers.
  • Completed the plan for the Blooming Mill.
  • Partially built the frame for the Blooming Mill. This will be a foamcore building with a wooden supporting frame.
  • Located a photograph of the Strip Steel Mill that will serve as a reference for its construction.

Assembling the highway overpass will probably be the next task.

Updated 11/22/2010:

Replaced the photo (#6) of the Open Hearth with a better one showing my new ingot mold cars.

Did some work to determine the position of the Blooming Mill and the highway bridge (West Virginia Route 2 or Main Street) over Crawford's Crossing. Added a photo showing the approximate positions. In photo 7, the clamps are holding the legs in place while I level the building. BTW, the mill ended up being a bit shorter than is shown in the photo. I'm not sure the track segment protruding out of the Blooming Mill will survive - there isn't much space there. That's TBD.

The 4-lane road is a piece of 1/8" masonite which I will paint. I have its position finalized. Supports and guard rails (Crow River) for the overpass are painted; assembly is next.

As always, comments and questions are welcome!

Last edited by G3750

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