Another new PS3.0 engine with troubles: This time another (brand new bipolar 20-5722-1) not previously run nor associated with other bipolar woes. This engine ran fine for about 1 hour, and then I lashed it up with another PS3.0 bipolar - they ran fine for about 30 minutes...then suddenly the problem bipolar began surging. I isolated and tested it again by itself. Surging in forward direction only. Did a feature reset - no go; and then a factory reset. After factory reset it ran without surging but it now runs approximately and at least twice as fast as all other PS3.0 engines! Literally, 5 scale mph on this problem engine = about 10 to 15 scale mph on my other P3.0 engines; 10 scale mph on problem engine = 20 to 25 scale mph on other engines. In other words, it's running like a bat out of hades!
Accel and decel rates are the same; max speed settings are the same, on all the engines.
What could be wrong and how to fix it? Is anyone else having problems with these latest (last) PS3.0 engines coming from Asia?