Not looking to have a PS2 vs PS3 debate when it comes to MTH electronics but was wondering if others have observed the same as myself - I run conventional on a 4x8. Not much. Typically I run my largest outside loop the fastest at about 10-12 volts (I run my larger steamers and diesels here on passenger trains). I use MTH Z-1000 transformers and, as normal, give off about a 2 volt +/- spike when bell or whistle is activated. PS2 engines typically respond with slight slow downs or speed ups.
I've noticed that the PS3 engines do NOT show any speed variation in conventional when whistle/bell is activated. Anyone else notice PS3 locos perform better on conventional layouts than PS2? Granted I've only got 2 PS3 locos vs 4 PS2s but my observations are with all locos.