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Did you know.....that the seats are SEPARATE parts on the floor?!?!?!?!


After relocating those windows (and a short break in the action, my son-in-law was home for 6 weeks beginning around Halloween and my daughter was home for 2 weeks in Jan, they've both returned to Sicily) I decided to get back on making all the mods to make this a SAL car.  I had to relocate some of the seats so I got out all my tools this morning, only to find each pair of seats is a separate casting with pegs on the ends that are glued to the floor.


I still had to cut thru most of the glue, but once I got some working room I was able to slide a wide Xacto blade under each seat and pop them off.  This will enable me to remove the seats I don't need and turn 4 pairs of bulkhead seats around.  Here's what it looks like once the seats are off:








Leaves me with 5 castings as spares.  I don't know why Weaver made some of the seats with a round notch cut out because the screws that hold the body on in those locations come up from the bottom and don't interfere with the seating.


I'll also need to install the bathroom bulkheads at each end of the car, but removing these seats this easily was a blessing


Images (4)
  • DSCN0129
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  • DSCN0128

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