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Originally Posted by NotInWI:

2-8-8-2 pushed to November and fastrack switches pushed till December.  It is not unreasonable to think that MTH will have their SD70's out before Lionel at this point.  This is disappointing Lionel.     



Everyone's experiencing delays in products from the mysterious East. 


The Athearn HO SP MT-4 I've been waiting for was announced in May 2010, has been pushed back several times and is now "TBD."


And, seeing that MTH has yet to catalog, let alone deliver anything...



Good Day,


I look at the delay of the Lionel SD70Ace from my business logic and marketing strategy view. I think the Norfolk Southern Heritage SD70ACe’s have been selected for production ahead of the Union Pacific Heritage, NS. BNSF, CSX and KCS SD70Ace’s.  I have no facts, just my thinking.


Model railroading is a journey………………enjoy the ride!




Originally Posted by Swafford:

Good Day,


I look at the delay of the Lionel SD70Ace from my business logic and marketing strategy view. I think the Norfolk Southern Heritage SD70ACe’s have been selected for production ahead of the Union Pacific Heritage, NS. BNSF, CSX and KCS SD70Ace’s.  I have no facts, just my thinking.


Model railroading is a journey………………enjoy the ride!




I seriously doubt that Lionel/Flyer NS Heritage units will leapfrog the already announced roadnames.  Hot on the heels, maybe.  Kinda like how the first two runs of U33C's happened.



I'm sorry, but you guys are much more willing to accept excuses than I am. It's not like there has been so much made that we can just make do with it in the mean time. I like S, but I can't take the way things are going right now. I'm switching to HO where I can model the PRR steam era. I'm willing to give up some size for product availability, scale fidelity, standards, performance, and affordability. I hope it works out well for you guys, but it just isn't for me. I want to model now, not wait...wait...wait. Good Luck.
Originally Posted by jonnyspeed:
I'm sorry, but you guys are much more willing to accept excuses than I am. It's not like there has been so much made that we can just make do with it in the mean time. I like S, but I can't take the way things are going right now. I'm switching to HO where I can model the PRR steam era. I'm willing to give up some size for product availability, scale fidelity, standards, performance, and affordability. I hope it works out well for you guys, but it just isn't for me. I want to model now, not wait...wait...wait. Good Luck.

HO ain't perfect on availablity either...  See my above comment about the Athearn SP MT-4. 


I wouldn't disagree with you about your other points, however.


We'll still be here if you change your mind.



Originally Posted by Rusty Traque:
Originally Posted by jonnyspeed:
I'm sorry, but you guys are much more willing to accept excuses than I am. It's not like there has been so much made that we can just make do with it in the mean time. I like S, but I can't take the way things are going right now. I'm switching to HO where I can model the PRR steam era. I'm willing to give up some size for product availability, scale fidelity, standards, performance, and affordability. I hope it works out well for you guys, but it just isn't for me. I want to model now, not wait...wait...wait. Good Luck.

HO ain't perfect on availablity either...  See my above comment about the Athearn SP MT-4. 


I wouldn't disagree with you about your other points, however.


We'll still be here if you change your mind.



Rusty, I think you are correct in that all the various manufacturers have delivery problems.  Look at the Weaver thread on the O scale side and there is your proof!  The only thing I see that makes this a bit different is that with Lionel it seems a recurring certainty that stuff is delayed and encompassess the ENTIRE catalog of newly tooled S scale products for 2012.  I have to say I'm disapointed to see that Lionel is basically going to forefit releasing any new S scale product for almost the entire year of 2012.  Do I even need to mention the fastrack turnouts?  So much for progress and it looks like S will be the fastest growing year.

Originally Posted by Rusty Traque:
Originally Posted by NotInWI:

2-8-8-2 pushed to November and fastrack switches pushed till December.  It is not unreasonable to think that MTH will have their SD70's out before Lionel at this point.  This is disappointing Lionel.     



Everyone's experiencing delays in products from the mysterious East. 


The Athearn HO SP MT-4 I've been waiting for was announced in May 2010, has been pushed back several times and is now "TBD."


And, seeing that MTH has yet to catalog, let alone deliver anything...



Personally, with MTH I'm at the point that seeing is beliving.  Not just a catalog picture either, I mean actually produced.  Once upon a time, I went out and pre-ordered 3 of the MTH steamers with scale wheels. I did this about a year in advance and used one of MTH's best dealers.  I checked the shipping schedule regularly plus had the dealer check with MTH and everything looked good, until the locomotives actually shipped.  Guess scale wheeled versions showed up and nobody (and I mean nobody) at MTH could verify if they had even been made.  Interesting!! There were 5 different models with scale wheels illustrated in the cataloge and none ever got produced.  What was worse, the shipping schedule NEVER showed them as cancelled until AFTER the Hi-rail versions were actually delivered to customers.  Me, I had to scramble and find locomotives to pull the $1800 worth of GGD pullmans and head end sets that I had to again, pre-order, and had already been delivered.  I would have been SOL if not for 2 GREAT dealers that, literally, saved my chooch.

There seems to be constipation through the whole system over there.  Even Bachmann's having delivery problems.  Ask anyone waiting for the On30 Heisler and I think the WBB GP30 date has slipped, too...


Personally, I think we're seeing the beginning of the end of the Chinese model train manufacturing bubble.  I wouldn't be surprised if the train companies are scouting out the next offshore manufacturing mecca.



Originally Posted by CSX Troy:

Personally, with MTH I'm at the point that seeing is beliving.  Not just a catalog picture either, I mean actually produced. 

I would agree with you there, Troy.  Until something shows up at a dealer, it's all just vapor-trains.


Fortunately, I have nothing that's waiting on something else to be made.  With the exception of a locomotive I'm waiting on from PBL (for about 2 years now) I don't have a "gotta have" list.  Pretty much everything's on a "nice to have" basis nowadays.


Maybe, I'll finally get caught up on some long-suffering projects.



Also don't forget the added 6-8 weeks of unpacking the new engine, finding it does not work, returning it at your cost, and waiting 6-8 weeks for it to return to you just to find it is not fixed yet.  That needs to be added into the fourmula.  So sick of China....everything from appliances to tools and so on...made as cheaply as possible.  I am now disiplined to post war, scenery and building (non working) and much happier not continually shipping thinks back.

Originally Posted by Allan Miller:
Originally Posted by Rusty Traque:

There seems to be constipation through the whole system over there. 

See Scott Mann's thread on the 3railScale forum (he posted earlier today near the end of that thread) and that will help explain what's going on over in China.

I've copied Scott's comments over here to make his observations easier to refer to for any future discussion.


Constipated seems like an understatement, this seems to be a downward spiral.  As I mentioned elsewhere, I think the Chinese model train manufacturing bubble has burst or very soon will.  I suspect Lionel, MTH and others will have to start looking elsewhere for their production needs.




From Scott Mann of 3rd Rail on the 3 rail scale forum:

"Kadarr - Manufacturer of Bachmann, Lifelike, AristoCraft and others... Labor problems, shut down a week before the Thanksgiving Holiday in China.


Bachmann Brass - Randolph Cheng: He was a producer of UK Brass models and was the builder for some US importers. He did a lot of direct sales behind the backs of his importers in the UK. He has retired.


A Major Manufacturer of Toys in ShenZhen (southern China), laid off 1/2 of their thousands of workers. I didn't catch the name, anyone know?


There are major labor problems going on everywhere in China now. 2 factors, lower exports due to a weaker Europe and too much increases in labor rates which are dictated by the gov.. This combination is causing a meltdown of jobs in China. Factories cannot lose money. They just close when they can't make payroll.


FoxConn - the manufacturer of I Phones in China, are reporting rioting among employees. This is probably a bigger deal that what we are seeing on the news. It is how the workers deal with layoffs, slowdowns, or labor unrest. It can get pretty violent when workers feel they are not being treated fairly. Anyone with more insight?


So look for more disruptions... ONLY MY HUMBLE OPINION."

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