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I'm perplexed and somewhat frustrated by one O22 PW switch.  It functions perfectly: the derailer function works in both directions; the controller switches the direction reliably.  BUT... 3 things are happening that I can't explain:

1. BOTH lights on the controller stay lit even though it functions correctly but only in the straight position. If I switch it curved, only one light stays lit, as is normal.

2. If I park a car on the switch, the switch "hums" or whatever that noise is called.

3. Found this one by accident: if I use the lever and hold it in the "activate" position, the switch makes that "humming" sound, but ONLY if I want to switch the switch from straight to curved.  If I move the lever in the other direction and hold it there, no humming.

On my K-line O27 switches, that's an indication of a bad limit switch. But these switches don't have limit switches. 

One other debugging thing that I did is this: I thought that possibly the plunger was not moving all the way inside the solenoid in the one "troublesome" direction. Took the cover off and used the controller to activate the switch.  It worked as usual and the plunger fully moved inside the solenoid - in both directions.

I double checked the dummy pins and they are correctly located.

Any thoughts???

As always, thanks - walt

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@walt rapp posted:

1. BOTH lights on the controller stay lit even though it functions correctly but only in the straight position. If I switch it curved, only one light stays lit, as is normal.

2. If I park a car on the switch, the switch "hums" or whatever that noise is called.

3. Found this one by accident: if I use the lever and hold it in the "activate" position, the switch makes that "humming" sound, but ONLY if I want to switch the switch from straight to curved.  If I move the lever in the other direction and hold it there, no humming.

These are all symptoms of a failed limit switch.

So, YES, the 022 has limit switches!

Lionel calls it the "sliding contact assembly". The service pages for the 022 are on the LCCA website, and in the many service manual reproductions available in print. The old Olsen Toy website contained these pages as well.

Last edited by ADCX Rob

Hi @ADCX Rob Rob - thanks for checking in and commenting.  I believe that the newer Lionel switches have limit switches, but I am under the impression that the post-war version does not.  I have studied this particular switch up close several times and do not see anything that I would call a limit switch.  I know what one looks like because I've had to replace a few in my K-line O27 switches.

Here's a picture.  Can you somehow describe where this limit switch is?  I don't see one.


- walt



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