Thanks GGG. The headlights on the steamers are direct power from track, right? They don't come off the boards after the rectifier? I've installed some 24V lights right from track connection for steam headlights, not really worried about using direction lights yet on those until I put ditch or markers on the tenders. That's a project for later.
I figured out the 1.5V directional lights. The 6V constant voltage is at position JP2 on the bottom board (yellow Molex connector) and the beacon is the two prong connector at position JP9 on the top board, right? But the beacon won't actually output unless the chip for that specific model tells it to? Also, is that also 6V? My fluke can grab it up to 5Volts, but might be a 6V output I'm just not seeing the peak of the flashes.
Most of my actual boards say "QS1C5 1994 QSI" printed on the top boards, but most of the chips have a 1996 mark on them. So better to not mix-n-match these with new steam chips?
So to summarize:
Bottom Jack LP1 - Lp2 (Blue and Green Molex) : 1.5V directional lighting outputs
Bottom Board JP2 (Yellow Molex) : 6V constant output regardless of chip (can use this for ditch lights if I want? Or cab lights? Or whatever)
Top Board JP9 (2 prong brown connector) : 5 or 6V Flashing beacon, only if specific chip has flashing loaded.