Yeah, the title pretty much explains it. I vividly remember there being a RailKing Pennsylvania T1 Duplex offered around 2013-15, and I'm interested in purchasing one second-hand, but I can find no evidence of it online. Am I just misremembering a Premier product? Thanks for any info!
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MTH never did one in Railking...if they did, I would've bought one!!
MTH has definitely done the Duplex multiple times as a Premier line, product.
Lionel, however, has offered a Lionmaster (think Railking) Duplex in TMCC and/or Legacy in the past. It is an 0-31 curve capable engine. I am leery to preorder Lionel based on quality issues but will undoubtedly preorder again if they bring it back. Given the reappearance of Lionmaster products with LC+/LC2, I'm hopeful we'll see it again sooner rather than later. And yes, I'll certainly preorder one.
I have the Lionel Legacy Lionmaster T1 Duplex, it's a decent looking piece, even has whistle steam and great Legacy sounds.
Two LionMaster versions of the T1 Duplex made by Lionel are 6-38020 (2003) and 6-11207 (2010). The latter has Legacy whereas the former does not.
Good Luck!
Well, thanks for the information! I might wait for them to make a LC2 version, cause I'd imagine we're due for one if it's been 10 years.