Are they spring-retained to that they open manually...meaning poke your finger on the doors to open them, release your finger to let the spring close them? That's the way the doors on several of my MTH engines and passenger cars operate. Which is sort of silly, IMHO, because it's not one of those 'play value' things that a septuagenarian with PFS...Pudgy Finger Syndrome, a cell phone keyboard texting malady!!
...can handle without causing some of the pages of his 'blue' dictionary to start smoking! In fact, I don't think I've ever poked a finger for jollies at an MTH door, yet...and DEFINITELY not in front of a relative or guest!!
Maybe at the LHS to demonstrate to a customer.
I'd advise NOT poking the doors, anyway; if they don't completely close you might have to take the car apart to get to the interior of the body to force them closed from the inside!!. Now that's a PITA, for sure!
But, as always, TEHO and FWIW.