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i had originally preordered the Graffiti set and a seperate sale csx dash 8 from this year's lionel big book but ended up cancelling my order after i heard a rumor about the motors for the dash 8 being the same as the starter set tier 4

i know from several posts and videos online that those motors are really bad and have a history of failing

why would those motors be used if they are bad and is Ryan and Dave aware of these problems and are they going to use better motors in the dash 8 perhaps the fat round ones used in the FT diesel

anyway i had really wanted the dash 8 but i'm so nervous about the motors any suggestions?

perhaps Dave could comment

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Sorry, my fault, I mistakenly pointed at the complete wrong engine. I do not know what is in the

This picture appears to show the more typical blind set of wheels style motor truck and that IMO, appears to be a more traditional can motor style system.

Again, sorry, I know the tier 4 AKA ET44 problems all too well but since Lionel does not publish the diagrams and parts lists until maybe after engines ship- I cannot say for sure what the engines you wanted to get are made with.

Until this one actually comes out and someone takes it apart or posts pictures of what ships, I just do not know. The pictures somewhat remind me of MTH tooling- maybe that baby dash???? From the MTH starter sets????


Images (1)
  • mceclip0

Again, sorry for my previous posts. I fully admit I was going down the what is wrong with the Lionchief ET44 path, but without more details and knowing what Lionel does with these Dash8 engines, I hesitate to say they are good or bad. The picture again indicates a more traditional style motor and truck system, but one picture is not enough to know definitely what and how it is constructed.


I also read your other topic. In this case, again, sadly I do not know and cannot give you a 100% answer that I can back up with facts that there are no concerns. Looking at the pictures, again, what Lionel advertised is different in a few major aspects that the ET44/Tier 4 Lionchief engine that I feel is problematic.

Take this as good news, your fears may not have been correct, this might be a really cool set and or engines. At the same time, I know it's hard, I do it too, you are not alone wanting to have in your hands that latest engine as soon as it comes out. This is where stepping back, not pre-ordering something brand spanking new- a new design for a company, new tooling, and wait for the reviews. Then buy the engine before they run out. Being a Lionchief set, they tend to make plenty.  You are not missing out on day one, and waiting, if just a tiny bit, might play out better.

Happy Holidays

Last edited by Vernon Barry

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