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Because I scatchbuilt a lot of cars and structures, I've been a long time subscriber to Railroad Model Craftsman, and I always enjoyed the nature of the articles.  I usually could find a weekend project and/or some ideas that could improve my layout and not cost big bucks. It always had content very different from what was in MR or S Gaugian


Now that the magazine is under new ownership, I have some mixed feelings about the new incarnation. My subscription expires in a few months and I am on the fence about renewing.


Anybody have any opinions abut the new iteration of the magazine? What do you like or not like?


Little Tommy

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I'm not all that familiar with it or it's content, but the new appearance of it is much nicer, IMO. I think the paper, colors and format looks much nicer, was looking at one at my LHS yesterday. Maybe you should give them a chance to get going and see what you think after a year or so? I imagine a change like this is a bit difficult for all involved including subscribers.  

Jim Boyd must be spinning in the box right now...

I heard it best the other day from some talking about the differences between RMC and MR:

Model Railroader is the magazine you buy when you're getting started and buillding the layout.

RMC is the one you buy a few years later and you're replacing stuff on the layout with more accurate stuff and want to improve things.

Fair enough, I feel. Having just got back in the hobby after several years of being away from having a layout, I have subscribed to MR to pick up on the techniques that have evolved since then (and yeah, the hobby has changed a great deal since the 90s) but if it wasn't for that, I'd probably have subscribed to RMC instead.

But mostly from the former Carstens line, I'm waiting for the On30 annuals to continue. The HOn3 one just came out, I've heard, so that means they'll be continuing with them. 

The real casualty looks like Flying Models magazine...guess this fine publication is gone for good. Occasionally I like to build free flight models, and it was the model aviation magazine I would read. The others are into selling ready to fly stuff from China which is not my cup of tea.

Looks like, at least for now, RMC will survive. We are running out of hobby magazines for people who like to build things, it seems. 

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