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I was just adding some of the new Kadee 745 "Prototype" Head couplers to a boxcar.


Since I use a small straight-bladed screwdrievr to uncouple my cars, I have no use for the coupler trip pins.


For those of you who remove them, I want to ask how you do it. I have used a Dremel cut-off wheel in the past and also a cutter designed for piano wire but neither gives a particularly clean, flush cut.




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Because many cars now have air hoses on them, so the kadee trip pin isn't needed. If you're not using it for uncoupling, and the car/engine has an airhose, why NOT cut it off?


This is a 2R car I did for someone, and I think it looks ridiculous because it has a trip pin and an airhose. He uses the pin for uncoupling so I ask if I could remove the air hose, but he likes the air hose on there too.... so I left it per his request. That's just my opinion of course, but my cars/engines have one or the other... not both


If you want to get fancy, remove the air hose, and paint the tip of the pin silver to represent the glad hand.




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Originally Posted by hibar:

The newest Atlas Masterline cars either 2 rail or 3 rail come with air hoses, on the 3rail versions they are truck mounted also on MTH Premier cars, obiviously with 3 rail operators the uncoupling pin is not needed as there is no way to mount uncoupling magnets on the track.

Kadee makes a unique uncoupler which is two magnets specifically designed for 3 rail track. Each magnet mounts opposite of the center rail. It is Kadee part number 809.

Originally Posted by Ed Kelly:

Besides being necessary for delayed magnetic uncoupling, the coupler trip pins represent the air hoses (brake lines) between the cars.  Why would you want to remove them?



Because they look about as realistic as that pink plastic flamingo in the front yard!


For those cutting off trip pins, you might want to consider Protocraft couplers:


Note that the $46.95 price for the coupler and draft gear is for a quantity of 5



Originally Posted by clem k:

Good morning Simon


Thanks for the link to the portocraft sight. Do these couplers uncouple like the Kadee with a small screwdriver type tool? The magnetic ones seem like they would be good?



Blissfield Railroad Days' Events - Blissfield Main Street

Hello Clem,


I'm not sure, but I'm guessing they would (I have the magnetic uncoupling tool.) Norm Buckhart the owner could probably tell you. E-mail and phone are on the front page of the website.



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