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I've attached two pictures of the underside of the Mi-Jack. The first one barely shows all four of the screws I think I need to remove. The second picture shows two of the four screws that attach the Mi-Jack to the top, lifting box. I don't have a regular screw driver that will do the job. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong box!



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  • IMG_5994
  • IMG_5995
@HMS4935 posted:


I've attached two pictures of the underside of the Mi-Jack. The first one barely shows all four of the screws I think I need to remove. The second picture shows two of the four screws that attach the Mi-Jack to the top, lifting box. I don't have a regular screw driver that will do the job. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong box!


You are looking at the correct place, however........

If the frame jammed up against it blocking the hole- that's what you are doing wrong.

Again the mistake here is lower it first while upright, and THEN attempt to take the screws out while manually- because you have it upside down, lifting the frame out of the way.

Again, side view, you need to start this with the crane lowered down- even if you have to assist the gear train manually.

Then when you flip the crane upside down, gravity would make the gantry back up close to the top blocking the holes so you need to manually hold the gantry section up (again, you are upside down) allowing you to either use a short screw driver, or a longer one at an angle.


Images (1)
  • mceclip0
Last edited by Vernon Barry

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