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The lighting wiring in the car needs to be replaced, but I can't see how to separate the red body from the black chassis. There are two brass posts at each end but no screw heads on them. One of the corners has some give to it, and it looks like there are just guides. But the others are in tight. Is the body just glued on, and if so, what is the best way to get in the car open?


i appreciate the help.

Original Post

If one of the pins is loose, you can wedge a small screwdriver under the head and twist to lift it out. This will work if you can get under the head. If you have a hard time getting under the head, use a flush cutting side cutter and grab the pin where it meets the chassis. Careful squeezing and wiggling will lift the pin.


If you are gentle, the pins will come out without damaging the hole. When you put the pins back in, coat them with some clear nail polish and they will stay in place.

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