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Hi Guys,

I am banging my head against the wall here trying to upgrade my TIU to the latest FW release.  I have the latest DCS loader on my windows 7 laptop.  I am using a TrendNet, USB to serial cable.  The drivers for the cable are the latest.  When searching for the TIU, the loader program will find it (at first)....then when I try to push the software to the TIU, it looses communication to the TIU.  I then try to search for it again, and the loader program can no longer find the TIU on the designated COM port.  I have tried multiple COM ports with no luck.  I know the USB to serial cable works fine because I use it for other things.  Anything else I can try?

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I got it to finally work.  Instead of searching for the TIU, I just went and sent the code to upgrade and that worked.  Each time I would verify the program/loader is talking to the TIU, it would work up front, but then stop once I tried to send the code to the TIU.  This time I went right to upgrade and it worked.  weird...


I had the same problem.  Your serial cable is NOT fully seated in the DB9 port on the TIU.  Sounds crazy, but - the upper plastic case on the TIU is too close to the DB9 connector.  This prevents full contact with all pins on the cable.

Next time you seat the serial cable in the TIU, use a small flat blade screwdriver and move the TIU upper shell away from the metal shroud on the cable.  Then push the cable all the way in. You will then have full contact.


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