I got this engine off of eBay the other day and what an engine. This is a Right of Way Industries 2-6-6-6 C&O Allegheny. This is an amazing engine that has exquisite detail due to the brass construction and includes many amazing features.
Features include
Brass Construction, Dual DC can motors, Constant Voltage Lighting, Ash Pan glow, Dual Seuth smoke units, Electronic reverse unit, Sound System, Four traction tires, Operates on 0-42 Radius curves or greater, Real Coal Load, and lots of separately applied detailing.
Sound System:
Four chuffs per revolution, Whistle with multiple blowing lengths, bell, randomly activating blow down sounds, and air pump sounds.
This Locomotive has reminded me once again of the amazing features, quality, and appeal that Right of Way Industrie Trains have. They run extremely well (smooth and slow), sound amazing, and look great to. In my opinion Right of Way Industries produced some of the greatest 3 rail full scale models of the 80s and 90s. I love this engine and Right of Way Industries.