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It's RIPTRACK again, and I'm here to tell you that none of the sources you all so kindly suggested for O-Scale 2-Rail Steamers came to anything, but thanks anyway!


(I won't even try Ebay, because they insist on using PAYPAL for payment, which I want no part of.)


I don't need any 4-8-8-8-2 or 6-12-12-4 or 4-10-10-6 locomotives on my 42" and 48" radius curves.


I need a SMALL road engine (no switchers), like a Prairie 2-6-2, or a Ten-Wheeler 4-6-0 or a Consoliidated 2-8-0  IF IT WILL NOT DERAIL ON MY CURVES!


AND...It has to be a Western Road Name, like SP, UP, or SF, because I'm running a short-line Western Railroad, and all my 30's-era rolling stock have Western road names!


PLUS, it must have Walschaerts valve gear, just so I can enjoy the animation!


So if you can locate a nice Prairie, or Ten-Wheeler, or Consol in PRR or B&O, or CB&Q, I can't use it, even if it's brand new, has Sound, and a price tag of $17.50.


Happy New Year,








Last edited by Former Member
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Originally Posted by Rip Track:

 I won't even try Ebay, because they insist on using PAYPAL for payment, which I want no part of.)

This is a common misconception. While they clearly steer you to PayPal, the only requirement is that sellers accept it.


Any other form of payment you can work out between buyer & seller is acceptable. Some sellers accept only PayPal.

Maybe 4-5 years ago eBay policy tried to dictate only PayPal as a method of payment. As ridiculous as it sounds I was indeed suspended for 30 days for insisting in my description use of MO or Personal Check. To this day ebay still will not Allow certain words in conjunction with others in inter-eBay communications one of them along with "@" "email" ".com" among others is "check" in conjunction with "personal" or other similar string.

I have not been successful with getting my buyers to send MO's for a long time. It's too darn easy for the buyer to click "pay now"

Buyer protection is another interesting story or should I say "policy".

Originally Posted by ADCX Rob:

Originally Posted by Rip Track:

 I won't even try Ebay, because they insist on using PAYPAL for payment, which I want no part of.)

This is a common misconception. While they clearly steer you to PayPal, the only requirement is that sellers accept it.


Any other form of payment you can work out between buyer & seller is acceptable. Some sellers accept only PayPal.

It has been said eBay wants to eliminate mom and pop small garage sale type sellers and create a Amazon type environment. These mom and pop sellers are what built eBay and if they continue to make it impossible for the small seller to use eBay many of us feel it will be the end of eBay. eBay is a an excellent venue and it would be a loss.
Originally Posted by C W Burfle:

Buyer protection is another interesting story or should I say "policy".


There are bad apples on both sides of the tree.

At this point, I would only pay for merchandise on EBay with Paypal.

I like buyer protection.



Me too. I once bought a Thomas the Tank engine set for $120 (no track or transformer) from this guy and paid with PayPal. He never shipped the set. He told me that his checking account was broken into by his daughter in law or son's GF and she stole all the money in the account which included my $120 so he couldn't ship me the trains even though I had paid for them. I filed a complaint with PayPal. I had to wait 10 business days but I got all the money back. I sure am glad I did not pay with a check on that one.



Originally Posted by Rip Track:


So if you can locate a nice Prairie, or Ten-Wheeler, or Consol in PRR or B&O, or CB&Q, I can't use it, even if it's brand new, has Sound, and a price tag of $17.50.


Happy New Year,








If someone does locate said engine at that price I will take it. I am nowhere near as particular as RIPTRACK.


BTW, I see nothing wrong with the original thread. It would seem anyone can post to it. It is not locked nor has it run out of room.


I have two Lionel locomotives that I had converted to 2 rail. I know Lionel released Ten-wheelers in various road names some years ago. You could always look for one of them, get it converted to 2 rail and if you do not add any flanges where there weren't any you will not increase the minimum radius. My Lionel Camelback was rated for 21" radius curves (O42) from the factory. After conversion it can still go around 21" radius curves. I someday want to bring the tender closer to the locomotive and this will of course require a larger radius but I was thinking I would make it adjustable so it will handle different radii. You could then run the locomotive on DC or install DCC. Of course this is an expensive procedure to convert locomotives and install electronics but you would achieve your goal.

Last edited by Hudson J1e
Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

Originally Posted by Erik C Lindgren:
We retired our business on eBay 1998-2012 with over 100% 40,000 feedback

How do you have more than 100% feedback, did some people post feedback twice?

Dyslexia I guess huh :-P

Ha! Over 40,000 feedback at 100%. It was something like 42,350 or something I don't remember.
Last edited by Erik C Lindgren

 Rip Track,

  I have dealt with the problem of small engines for small layouts,and limited road names. By small I mean 4-4-0, 2-6-0, 2-6-2,and 4-6-2, etc.. I have repainted a 4-4-2, a 2-8-0, and a 0-8-0 in Texas and Pacific markings and am quite pleased. They are 3rail.

  Texas & Pacific just does not get any attention from the manufactures except for cattle cars. This is why my tank car is a repaint and so are my gondolas. I have also repainted a coach and baggage car into T&P livery. These make a nice consist for my 4-4-2.

 Repainting is one option you should explore. Also 3rd Rail has some good small engines that could easily be modified (a longer drawbar between the engine and tender) these engines are pricey, but they come in 2 rail. They are such good models I doubt I would repaint one.

  I also detest Paypal, I much prefer to pay by credit card, just too many problems in the past.

  One poster referenced Murphy's law in regard to paypal, don't forget Murphy was an optimist.

  "BP" in the above post is Buyer Protection, most people think of British Petroleum.




Originally Posted by laming:



(I won't even try Ebay, because they insist on using PAYPAL for payment, which I want no part of.)

 (Shrugs shoulders)... your loss.


While you're fartin' around trying to contact the seller for way to pay besides PayPal... I'm clicking the "Buy Now" button and wrapping up the deal in about 20 seconds.



Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

This is pretty bogus and misleading!  I suspect that any large organization has complaints from every state in the Union, not exactly a surprise.

Agreed;  I've had dozens and dozens of eBay transactions and have not yet had a single complaint about a seller.  For trains, I use it for oddball items (like 1:43 cars) where IF something goes wrong, I'm only out a few bucks.  I wouldn't buy anything large or delicate, but that's more of a shipping concern than anything else.   I've snagged some pretty good deals on hard to find items over the years.  


While far from perfect, eBay/PayPal have a decent record of dealing with disputes.  I have a credit card attached to my PayPal and use that as the funding source most of the time - if PayPal can't resolve it, VISA will 

Originally Posted by Erik C Lindgren:
Originally Posted by Marty R:


Wait... If I go 2 rail, I can get small steamers for under $20. Do they make the kitchy Christmas stuff and fantasy US Navy stuff in 2 Rail? If so, I'm in! Please advise.



It's 2 rail and will run on a tight radius!

I run all year in N scale. O for the Christmas season. I'd only use the loco in the link you sent to pull the Kato Broadway Limited, or 18 car Daylight up a 4% grade, so I probably won't get that one, but thanks!

I sell and buy on eBay.  There is much that I don't like about the "new" eBay including their steering all transactions towards PayPal and policies holding up payments to sellers.  eBay has definitely adopted a pro-buyer, anti-small seller policies.   eBay is definitely trying to become more like Amazon instead of the small seller market place that it was founded on.  The company only want sellers who sell thousands of dollars of items per year and are running full time businesses.  They also want people who are selling new items.    


The vast majority of eBay transactions are honest and go through without problems.

I believe that you can buy on eBay with confidence and that you will get your item as described or your money back.


As a small seller, I am never sure that I will get my money.   The smallest complaint, valid or not, results in a refund to the buyer.  The reality is that the buyer / customer isn't always right.  




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