Just wondering if anyone is making reproduction rubber roadbed or ties for the origanal AF track. just getting started in flyer and building a layout but the rubber roadbed seems to be hard to come by even on ebay. thanks Rick
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I have a friend who usually comes up with the original roadbed pretty regularly, would you have a preference as to black or gray. The gray is a little harder to find, also would you have a preference as to wide or narrow ties? Again the narrow tie roadbed is a little tougher to find.
3R Plastics makes O gauge and AF rubber ties, and they are reasonable in cost. I acquire my O gauge ties through Amazon as it is quicker that way and they are good on solving any issues that may arise. Check 'em out for the AF ties, I believe they are made in black, perhaps brown......
Jesse TCA
do you have a link to 3R's site. I google searched them and found nothing.
Rick Rubino posted:do you have a link to 3R's site. I google searched them and found nothing.
You can get the 3R ties through Amazon.
these appear to be O scale
I know Three R plastics used to make them but can't locate their web site. There is an auction on ebay
I have some "R" black rubber railroad ties, S gauge for use with traditional AF track, about 300 of them. Also have rubber roadbed, mostly black wide tie. Email me direct, off list if interested.
Bill, no E mail info listed . Art
Sorry, I thought it was listed in my "profile" seen by clicking on my name. It seems to be for most. Regardless, I edited my profile and added this info so Rick can contact me if he chooses.
The best Flyer or Lionel layouts, I ever had, were built with rubber roadbed.
Jim I would agree but everybody wants an arm and a leg for the stuff
I have bunch of AF curve rubber road bed all black wide tie and narrow tie.No straights at this time they go quick.Two bucks each w/o track Three bucks each with.There used to be a guy in Ca. that repro them but not anymore.....