If I have a Z-4000 or a Z-1000 hooked up to a TIU, can I run a conventional engine by using the handle to vary the voltage going into the TIU? I power the TIU using auxilary power. We are running three loops on a modular layout,
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Yes, you can.
Barry, I am a little confused by your answer to this one, after reading the first line again. (I know, I stay confused!)
The 4K is suitable from what I have read-I do not have one. But I thought that the 1K needed the controller to vary the voltage, and early on MTH did not suggest (and I though it was your opinion also) that the brick should NOT go into the controller, and then the controller wire go into the TIU fixed 1?
I am sure you are correct with your answer, but for the rest of us who may think what I think....and who did not buy the "book" yet.... would you have the time to clarify this and explain why we can now use the controller in line?
I have no intention of doing the above, I can run my conventional if I want by setting up the TR1 and using the hand wheel, but there may be others who want to do so as the gentleman in the post was to do.
Thanks for your time and trouble, Greg
Does anyone know where one can get the z4000 remote box so one can have the dcs remote control the z4000 with a z4000 track set up ? I can find it. Everyone seems to have them on back order.
But I thought that the 1K needed the controller to vary the voltage, and early on MTH did not suggest (and I though it was your opinion also) that the brick should NOT go into the controller, and then the controller wire go into the TIU fixed 1?
First, I assumed that you meant the controller was connected to the brick. Otherwise, the answer would be obvious as far as the Z1000 was concerned.
Second, the "taboo" is using the Z-Controller/Z-brick with a Variable channel set to variable mode, since that would cause the sine wave to be chopped twice, once by the Z-Controller and again by the Variable channel.
Does anyone know where one can get the z4000 remote box so one can have the dcs remote control the z4000 with a z4000 track set up ? I can find it. Everyone seems to have them on back order.
Try ebay. I used MTH's site and they had a hobby shop that supposedly had on one in stock. I called the guy and he said they hadn't had the receiver in stock for awhile. MTH, however, indicated it was in stock at his shop two days prior. Anyway, fast forward...bought one last night via auction for $51.00. As you have seen they are very hard to come by lately.
I run my conventional engines in a different manner. Being a looper, after they are running I leave them running. That said command engines can run as low as 15 volts on my layout so I load up a conventional engine with sufficient number of cars so that I can run it at a reasonable speed at 15 volts and I modify the Proto2 engine's speed to stay away from the conventional engine (train). It is kind of nice to run my Lionel 681 on the same loop with a proto2 train. Seeing trains built with 50 more years separating their build dates is nice.
You are absolutely correct sir, I also use the running technique from time to time.
Back when the Z4K side receiver 1st became available, I purchased three of them, because I beleived they would eventually be hard to get, it happened just like I thought it would. I did not pay any $51.00 each for them either.
i brought the z-4000 remote control system for $15.00!!!!! at a train show!!