Hey Gang,
What I love most about this forum is the wealth of knowledge that is shared. So now I am turning to you guys for some more information that you could provide as I am not an S gauge afficianado...
Below is a picture of the current track plan I am working on for a felow forum member. It is represented in green. The track planning software I have does not have S gauge track in a radius larger than 20", so I am representing 24"r curves with O gauge O-45 track. Basically, it is a dogbone that loops over/under itself. My concern is the loops located at each end. I try to shy away from S curves if at all possible, but due to space limitations and the O gauge mainlines, they are there. How well do S gauge engines and rolling stock handle S curves? With the 24"r, do you guys think a train moving at a medium or slower pace would be fine on the S curves? I know the modeler has American Model rolling stock and engine. Will the couplers be stressed on the S curves? Any input would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any help!