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We are working with LIONEL to produce a ready to run flyer S gauge set. It will include two new cars. the first car is a watermelon car and the second a flat car with 2 hot wheels corvette's. WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE IT! It will have a small diesel locomotive, a super cool looking box car and a center coupla caboose with special paint. Add the other 2 cars and you have a dynamite set.

we are trying to work on the details with LIONEL.

see ya


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Originally Posted by Quick Casey:

Cool. Union Pacific is just fine with me. I joined the LCCA this year when I started to hear the rumors of them producing an S Gauge set with Lionel. Waiting to see the result.

you will love it. as lionel produces more steam the offerings will get better and better

Originally Posted by LOU CAPONI:
Originally Posted by Quick Casey:

Cool. Union Pacific is just fine with me. I joined the LCCA this year when I started to hear the rumors of them producing an S Gauge set with Lionel. Waiting to see the result.

you will love it. as lionel produces more steam the offerings will get better and better

OK, I'm intrigued...



Originally Posted by LOU CAPONI:
Originally Posted by Quick Casey:

Cool. Union Pacific is just fine with me. I joined the LCCA this year when I started to hear the rumors of them producing an S Gauge set with Lionel. Waiting to see the result.

you will love it. as lionel produces more steam the offerings will get better and better

When will the sets be available and how do I order one? I joined LCCA today after reading this thread just so I can get one. As for steam, when the Berkshire sets are released, will the locomotive be available separately? If so, would you consider releasing a version that's painted but not lettered? Also maybe an oil tender?




i expect the sets will be available for ordering about the last quarter but maybe sooner if i can get the bean counters at the big L to give the club a number.

right now i'm looking at a Baldwin SWITCHER IN UNION PACIFIC WITH THE FLAG with the coolest paint scheme, a new water mellon car, a new scottsdale auto auction flat car with 1953 corvette HOT WHEELS! special route of the challenger box car and a UP overland caboose. it will have the new fast track but no power pack. if its affordable i will have railsounds installed. it will be conventional and the set will be produced in very small numbers until we the LCCA find our market share.

I WILL NOT disappoint you

Originally Posted by Roundhouse Bill:

What is LCCA?


The Lionel Collectors Club of America (LCCA) was formed in 1970 by Jim Gates  of Perry IA and 83 other charter members.    We are a volunteer, national, not-for profit, organization who offer the following benefits to our members:



1. The award winning Lion Roars magazine. (all original articles written by club members)

2. e-track(web based buy/sell/trade mechanism between members)

3. Interchange track mag (hard copy buy/sell/trade publication)

4. Collectible products made by Lionel exclusively for LCCA  members

5. Great family friendly Annual conventions (different city every year. This July14-20 we will be in Chattanooga TN)

6. Special events in various cities all around the country

7. Special offers (greatly reduced prices  on select Lionel catalogued items)

8. Lionel Catalogs free current courtesy of Lionel

9 .electronic E -blast News items

10 LCCA Facebook Page (one for regular members and another for Junior Members (JM)

11. Exclusive LCCA video productions on our website 

12 LCCA/Lionel FasTrack Modular Railroad Activities

13 expansive and frequently updated website with current and future club activities 

14. F. U. N! Fun! And more Fun!

 As you know, Lionel owns and produces American Flyer S-Gage trains.  The LCCA is working with Lionel to develop a limited edition, American Flyer  train set that  will available for purchase to our LCCA members only.  We typically take advanced orders from our members.  The LCCA limited edition product offerings items are often desirable to both the collectors and operators.  They typically retain their value and appreciate over time.
We are also currently looking for club members to write articles about American Flyer trains. We desire to have a couple of pages in each issue of our club publication "The Lion Roars" dedicated to AF topics and stories.  Are you interested, or do you know someone who can author articles about them and their AF trains?
I invite you to check out our website  In the video gallery section on our site, we have over 100 free videos clips that are original LCCA productions.  If you scroll down the video pages you will find a LCCA video about a Lionel AF product introduction.  We are in the process of editing and will be posting future videos about upcomming Lionel AF products.  
We have great conventions and special events.  We also are working with Lionel to develop and launch the new LCCA/Lionel FasTrack Modular Railroad system.  We have a Junior Membership program for members under the age of 18 years old.  Most of all, we just like to have Fun!
If you have any questions about the LCCA, Please call me at 248 709-4137 or via e-mail at
I invite you to try the LCCA for one year.  You can join on-line on the "join the club" tab on the front page of our website
Al Kolis
Immediate Past President & Special Events Manager
Lionel Collectors Club of America
Originally Posted by LOU CAPONI:

We are working with LIONEL to produce a ready to run flyer S gauge set. It will include two new cars. the first car is a watermelon car and the second a flat car with 2 hot wheels corvette's. WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE IT! It will have a small diesel locomotive, a super cool looking box car and a center coupla caboose with special paint. Add the other 2 cars and you have a dynamite set.

we are trying to work on the details with LIONEL.

see ya


wait until you see the art! sit tight ok. eventually when LIONEL gives the ok and we have an agreement i'll post the picture.



gave lionel the basic idea of what I want today. now if they do the art they can price it out. my projected delivery if they make it will be december 2014. that much lead time is REQUIRED on American Flyer.



first set will have a baldwin switcher. if it does well we will ask for a new die cast steam engine for our next set. how about a little switcher and tender!!

Originally Posted by LOU CAPONI:

gave lionel the basic idea of what I want today. now if they do the art they can price it out. my projected delivery if they make it will be december 2014. that much lead time is REQUIRED on American Flyer.



first set will have a baldwin switcher. if it does well we will ask for a new die cast steam engine for our next set. how about a little switcher and tender!!

Hi Lou,


Suggest that Lionel and you may want to consider this project further. Lionel has already done reissues of the Baldwin switcher many times, including a Southern work train starter set. The Baldwin is generally considered one of the less desirable  Gilbert diesels.


Of course, one can (and probably should) hold off on a final judgment until the artwork and the set composition are posted. However, the choice of a Baldwin is rather surprising. The current version of the GP-7 from Lionel-AF, for example, might be a stronger choice for a freight set.


Sorry to appear difficult and I hope that I am not giving offense. However, given the cost and the lead time, the observation might be better offered sooner rather than later. Good luck on the project, regardless.


Thanks for listening and for your hard efforts.



Sounds cool.  I love S gauge although it is certainly in the minority of scales but it is perfect size wise for small kids to play with and let ME have enough room for a larger layout.  I suppose it will join the wall of O gauge in boxes here at carpet central in the meantime when it comes out!

there is a minor problem i discovered on the geeps and they are hit or miss. That is my opinion but not everybody looks at things the way I do. I'm not saying the engines are poorly made by any stretch of the imagination. PLEASE NO RUMORS OK! i must be honest though THE GP -9 was my FIRST choice.

i want to show the art and then i will ask you guys for your thoughts. i really want this to work. by the way the set will NOT have a power pack but will contain new fast track. i have used it and like it. Also we are working with a few S gaugers to come up with a modular program!



Just a note concerning the American Flyer Baldwin switcher.

I purchased new two C&NW Baldwin switchers #6-48067 when they were originally offered and both were defective with the identical problem from the factory.

The heat shrink tubing covering the wires connected at the top of the pickup shoes was badly applied. When the engine would round a curve the turning truck would allow the wire to touch the frame thereby shorting out the power.

It wasn't a pretty sight to see the ampmeter spike 10 amps on a new engine.

The fix was to desolder the wires, apply longer heat shrink tubing and resolder.

Hopefully Lionel has stepped up their quality control in such matters. I find the same error in two identical engines to be more than just a fluke.

Maybe the Geep isn't such a bad idea after all.


If you've ever followed the threads on other LCCA projects, you'd find that Lou is like a pit bull when it comes to getting things right.


I can't speak to quality issues on the Baldwin or GP's, the last piece of "traditional" Flyer I bought was the Great Northern EP-5 (I'm a sucker for EP-5's) which the only thing I found wrong with was in how high it sits and the pathetic sound system, which mercifully could be turned off.



Originally Posted by banjoflyer:

Just a note concerning the American Flyer Baldwin switcher.

I purchased new two C&NW Baldwin switchers #6-48067 when they were originally offered and both were defective with the identical problem from the factory.

The heat shrink tubing covering the wires connected at the top of the pickup shoes was badly applied. When the engine would round a curve the turning truck would allow the wire to touch the frame thereby shorting out the power.

It wasn't a pretty sight to see the ampmeter spike 10 amps on a new engine.

The fix was to desolder the wires, apply longer heat shrink tubing and resolder.

Hopefully Lionel has stepped up their quality control in such matters. I find the same error in two identical engines to be more than just a fluke.

Maybe the Geep isn't such a bad idea after all.


we are working with a new engineer thank heavens

The Baldwin was never Gilbert's best...we all agree.  It was overly fragile and a poor runner.  But in my opinion it is great looking...along the same lines of the Docksider.  Something about those pieces just looks great.  I always liked the chunky trucks on the Baldwin.  With that said...they were also fairly valuable Gilbert pieces. 
Lionel corrected the bad issues with the Baldwin.  The first remake had new can motor made over the Gilbert power truck.  Later Baldwins had an all new power truck with a vertical motor...  Its a top choice for me.  But I also like the Geeps.   How about a PA freight set.  Of course I think a lot of us would like to see remakes of Gilbert steam..Hudson...0-8-0...Royal Blue...Circus Train.  I assume the tooling is long gone.  Those new Flyer heavyweights just didn't have the Gilbert look...they are just shrunken Lionel heavyweights.
Originally Posted by Bob Bubeck:
Originally Posted by LOU CAPONI:

gave lionel the basic idea of what I want today. now if they do the art they can price it out. my projected delivery if they make it will be december 2014. that much lead time is REQUIRED on American Flyer.



first set will have a baldwin switcher. if it does well we will ask for a new die cast steam engine for our next set. how about a little switcher and tender!!

Hi Lou,


Suggest that Lionel and you may want to consider this project further. Lionel has already done reissues of the Baldwin switcher many times, including a Southern work train starter set. The Baldwin is generally considered one of the less desirable  Gilbert diesels.


Of course, one can (and probably should) hold off on a final judgment until the artwork and the set composition are posted. However, the choice of a Baldwin is rather surprising. The current version of the GP-7 from Lionel-AF, for example, might be a stronger choice for a freight set.


Sorry to appear difficult and I hope that I am not giving offense. However, given the cost and the lead time, the observation might be better offered sooner rather than later. Good luck on the project, regardless.


Thanks for listening and for your hard efforts.




Yes, the latest Baldwins are the best of the breed, but the latest GP's (and SD's) are fitted with a newer vertical can motor drive, as well, and have a die-cast chassis and metal handrails. A more substantial 'feel' and a more balanced 'look'.
One or may not like the new heavyweights, but they are the same height and width as the old Gilberts and 1-1/2 inches longer resulting in sleeker-looking passenger trains. As I understand it, the origin of the aesthetics of new style heavyweight design is Athearn (in HO), copied in O by K-Line, who was then copied by Lionel (in O and, later, S). Many in the S scale crowd lust after the baggage car, but the cars have never been offered alone out of a set.
Have fun.
Originally Posted by Mike W.:
Lionel corrected the bad issues with the Baldwin.  The first remake had new can motor made over the Gilbert power truck.  Later Baldwins had an all new power truck with a vertical motor...  Its a top choice for me.  But I also like the Geeps.  ........Those new Flyer heavyweights just didn't have the Gilbert look...they are just shrunken Lionel heavyweights.
Originally Posted by CNJ 3676:

I'm surprised by all the talk of another Baldwin unit from Lionel as the American Models S-12 is quite nice:





hi bob, i just submitted a product release for price. i asked Lionels enginneers to see if we can stuff railsounds in there some way shape or form. there will be no smoke. i even considered a dummy for the sound system if they run out of room. the set will also be priced out with an operating caboose and 2 new freight cars. i promise to do my best. We welcome all the American flyer folks.

IF we make this set I bet EDDIE BOYLE from OGR places the first order! LOL

best wishes


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