last January I went to the train show at the big E in Springfield Mass. I asked the the MTH rep. what was going on with the F3, he said Mike W. was also asking his people why it was taken so long, he did say they have the issue resolved with the Electronics and that I should see my order no later then June 2016, I felt at that time that it looks like an end was in sight, needless to say June came and went.
at the show they had a Union Pacific F3 running. Anyway time will tell.
Hi Toy1,
Like you I thought all the excuses were handed out and by at least June 2016 the S Gauge F-3's would be in out homes. There was another hook to dash our hopes and that was the speakers MTH ran out and there were no more because the manufacturer of the speakers closed their doors and didn't even send the speakers on order. This caused a problem with the existing packaging with in the diesels because of the size of those speakers were the smallest ones available. So MTH had to find another manufacturer to build new speakers that size to complete the packaging of the components in the S Gauge and O gauge Diesels. There was enough time to make good on the delivery of the GE44Ton O Gauge diesels but the F-3's required the new ones to arrive before they could be completely assembled and tested. The UP F-3. you seen running at the big E in Springfield Mass., had some operating issues this year and was pulled from the shows to find and fix the issues. I see the it was running at the Train Fest in Wisconsin this year and has a video of it in this thread. This engine was a production sample and does not represent the approved finished product so it could have had the original speaker as the O Gauge GE44Ton have and the problems incurred with the F-3 earlier this year could have a been the results of the preproduction sample. Any way lets keep our fingers crossed and hope that will be the last delay of The F-3's.
Early next year, in the first quarter, maybe we all will have our S Gauge F-3's running on our layouts. Merry Christmas!
The above is pure speculation based upon on what I have heard, read and seen from January thru November 2016. I had written a question in October to MTH but to date have not received any conformation from MTH direct. I guess even they can't predict when they will be coming in. Good Luck!!