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Today I was running my new FlyerChief Santa Fe GP7 (6-48031) with the supplied remote to show a few friends how it ran. All functions worked properly. One friend asked about if it were possible to turn off the sound. I said yes and showed him the switch on the bottom for sound/no sound. I also told him about being able to run the engine conventionally by throwing the other switch on the bottom.

So I threw the switch to "Transformer Operation", put it on the track (SHS S-Trax), turned on the power to the transformer (30-B Gilbert AF).

The sounds and lights came on, I advanced the throttle on the transformer but the engine just sat there and didn't move. I thought that maybe it was in neutral so I pulled the throttle to zero mph and then advanced it again. Still no movement.

So I figured that the trans wasn't going to a low enough voltage to make the e-unit cycle so I lifted the power handle quickly and then re-applied power. Still nothing. So I advanced the throttle to about 10 mph and lifted the handle completely off the metal grips several times thing that every time contact was re-established the e-unit would advance again and again. Nothing.

It seems like every time the power was put to the track the engine just sat there with sounds and lights but no movement at all. I moved the switch back to "Remote" and the engine ran fine.

So Maybe someone has a thought on this. I remember reading in another post how a docksider wouldn't go into reverse when powered by a Lionel CW-80 until a lighted caboose or a single light bulb was added to the circuit to pull the voltage down low enough to make the e- unit cycle. I've never had a problem with this 30-B when I ran all my conventional engines reverse or forward.

Any ideas other than "It's broke"?


PS... I'll never run it conventionally but it SHOULD  work!

Last edited by banjoflyer
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When I was testing my friend's GP7, I found conventional operation very unsatisfactory, whereas F/C operation was fine. 

Response to the direction button (MTH Z1000) and even throttle-off reversing was very erratic and unpredictable.  Also, under conventional operation, the locomotive was very susceptible to any dirt on the track.  The locomotive would sail across the same areas under F/C control.

I would suspect whatever motor control electronics are used to smooth out operation under F/C, are bypassed in conventional.


Mark, I found on my Polar Express that it would not operate in conventional, this is the first issue Flyonel P.E.. I considered the idea that I most likely would never run conventional with it and did not give it another thought, I did not even try the Nickel Plate loco for the same reason.

After reading your post I went and tried my S.F. GP in transformer mode, I found that I needed approximately 13 volts on the track for it to move, it also had a short second or so delay before it would move at that voltage, this hesitation also occurred when changing direction. This was operating with Powermaster set to conventional through my Cab 1L system. It actually seemed to run pretty decent in transformer mode although I did not run it very long.

I will have to go back and try the P.E. with the higher voltage input,  I had expected it to move at a very low voltage like a conventional can motored locomotive would run.


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