I have the above engine (blue & Yellow) and on one side it is missing the engine numbers. My question is, "was this a common error or is this a rare variation?" Any and all input is appreciated !
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A variation would have to be planned that way.So I doubt it.
This is an error. Not common, but they do happen. Some people would find this unique and add it to their collection. Others remain unimpressed.
It all depends on one's point of view and value of things that are different.
Agree. It's a factory error and way too late to have anything done about it. The numbers and hood lettering application are two different operations. The shell got missed during the numbering printing operation. (and folks before anyone jumps on the Chinese, the Santa Fe GP20's were American made...)
Continuing the tradition, such stuff still happens occasionally today. Bought in 2012, this AF U33C came with the maroon band's yellow border stripes missing. I immediately sent it back to Lionel for a new shell.
Tsk, tsk, Rusty. You just blew a chunk of your retirement plan.
I had a factory error on the NYC heavy weight passengers cars. One of the Pulmans was missing the New York Central lettering on a side. Quality control in China is not as good as it was in the old days at Gilbert and Lionel
There are lots of Gilbert errors on Flyer items. Nothing has changed much.