Originally Posted by Bob Bubeck:
Originally Posted by Rusty Traque:
Yesteray, I sent Lionel a blunt, point blank email regarding scale wheels on new American Flyer products.
Here is their response:
"Unfortunately at this time we will not be manufacturing scale wheels for our new American Flyer products.
Thank You,
End of story. Lionel's given up before they even started.
Hi Rusty,
To whom was the message sent? Who responded? For much of the product line, the answer is correct for obvious reasons, but might not be so for the entire line (e.g., new diesels, new scale rolling stock) and maybe not for the longer haul. It might be worth seeking some clarification.
Just a thought.
I used the standard Contact Lionel box. The response is cut and paste, unedited save for removing my name, from the email.
There have been multiple rumors floating around regarding the wheels ever since the new O Gauge catalog came out with the Flyer section in back.
My question to Lionel was blunt and to the point: "Has Lionel abandoned scale profile wheels on future American Flyer products?"
There's little room with this question to be vague with the response. You've seen what the answer is, also direct and to the point. It's very clear to me.
If this answer is not correct, then there is an internal communication issue with Lionel, and it's Lionel's responsibility for getting everyone on the same page.
Lionel officials monitor the OGR board, it would be very easy for them to confim or deny the answer I received.
I fully expect that if a question is asked in good faith and the respondent doesn't know or is unsure, it is his/her responsibility for researching the correct answer before responding. It's how I worked when I was in a customer service environment.
For me, this a particurly dissapointing development. I'd been work hard on the Yahoo S Scale board trying to convince folks that Lionel's entry into the scale market is a good thing and to watch as things develop. Now, it appears all that effort was in vain.