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I'm looking for MTH Scaletrax 054 switches both RH and LH. I can find some on ebay. Here's my question.

If memory serves, and at my age that's a big "IF", there was a problem with Scaletrax switches back in the day. I've nosed around a bit in the archives but is there anyone who can bring this topic more into focus. If I buy on ebay what should I be looking (out) for?

Thanks for your time.


Original Post

I know little about Scaletrax, but since no one has yet replied here, this might help...  Forum member Dave Hikel has used scaletrax and also posted quite a bit on it's switches and use.  Was going to provide you a link, but my search results yielded 17 threads and I wasn't sure how to properly link to that 'found searchs' page?  So, I'll just give you the search terms I used.


Contains all of these words: scaletrax switch

Posted by: Dave Hikel

It's been several years ago, but I do recall Dave posting about the Scaletrax switches pros, cons, work arounds, fixes, improvements, etc. but I don't recall which thread that was in? He also posted details about improvements MTH made to them a few years ago. I believe many of the improvements were from his suggestions in working with MTH on some of the issues he had found.

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