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Aside from a website that appears to have been dormant since 2014, there does not appear to be a resource where various O Scale structures developed for SCARM could be accessed for use in layout planning (i.e Ameri-towne, Korber, MTH, DPM, Lionel structures etc).  From time to time on this forum, Ive noticed that those with particularly advanced modeling skills, when sharing their respective scarm layouts, have included named/specific structures.    Would there be an interest to create  resource on this forum where members could post their scarm object files for others? I have a few that Ive developed - (the MTH Passenger Station, DPM Department Store) that id be glad to share - and for others to improve upon and continue to share - and  be grateful to access others in library of sorts.     Would there be any interest among the forum to do so?   Thank you

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I’d certainly make use of such objects when the need arose. The hirailers blog site was an attempt to do that, but it never really took off. The SCARM site has a limited number, but I don’t know if it’s set up to maintain such a library. I don’t know how example files get posted there other than Mixy finding those he thinks are good examples of SCARM capabilities or users sending them for consideration. All you can do is start a thread, post your files and see what happens. Having looked at most designs in this forum, there really aren’t many that include objects, but that could be because of the lack of an object library.

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