There are people on here who are into narrow gauge, have ridden the Durango
and Silverton, and have explored the area. There also are some very good
scratchbuilders on here. I just wonder if anybody has scratchbuilt any of three famous mills on the Silverton Northern that ran up to Animas Forks? Two of
them are HUGE, but the first Sunnyside mill at Eureka, built in 1899 is not
that large. Its replacement, built in 1917, was built from parts of the third
one, the Gold Prince mill at Animas Forks. I have not been able to get my
hands on really good photos of the Gold Prince, although I have seen some.
It was reported to be the largest mill in Colorado, although the second Sunnyside and other mills further south were not "compact". I also wonder
if anybody has seen really good photos of the Gold Prince, from all sides?
"The Rainbow Route" does not contain them, although it has good photos of
the second Sunnyside (sitting beside the first). But not photos from all sides
as you'd want for a model. The other mill I have seen no photos of the back
of, is the National Belle at Red Mountain Town on the Silverton RR. There is
an HO kit for that but I have been told it is not accurate.