AF Wide is my favorite Standard Gauge brand. I have a small selection I was preparing to sell. My Hamiltonian consists of four cars that 400Bill professionally repainted but required reassembly. I also have a well-tuned bell-ringing Shasta awaiting repainting and reassembly. In addition, there are the requisite boxcar, sand car, machinery car and deluxe caboose in original rough condition. I was going to ask $600 for the works plus shipping just to move it out. Then my son placed a brick wall in front of me.
He's nearly four and a new fan of The Polar Express, especially the duet of When Christmas Comes To Town sung on the observation car deck. Well, lo and behold when I hauled up my Flyer to clean for selling he targeted my Hamiltonian observation. He crawled around that car like nothing else. I believe he actually projected himself inside that car, standing on the deck looking at the Polar Lights.
Now I have PW Lionel and he loves all the operating cars and accessories. He's mechanically inclined and seems to appreciate their mechanics. However, he never engaged his imagination with those as he did that Flyer observation.
My plan was to build a 8x8 PW Lionel layout with the accessories for the son. Personally, I'm bored with PW Lionel but I do enjoy the accessories, too. I have a bit of Marx tin that I personally love. Then I have some Flyer Wide, which I also like, that I don't have room for and decided to sell for that reason.
So I'm figuring out what to do. Maybe you have some words of wisdom for my questions:
- Was my $600 price too high in this economic climate?
Am I wrong to consider what my son likes? After all, this hobby means more to me if my son is on-board, too.
Anyone have experience refitting the big PW Lionel accessories to work with Standard Gauge? Boy, if I could do that I'd drop the PW in a second.
I could go O Gauge with Flyer but the size of Standard seems to suit him pretty well.
I'm making this hard on myself, no doubt, but it is a dilemma that I'm spending WAY too much time weighing out.