If MTH makes more Marklin prewar tinplate, like the Leipzig Station, and they do Gauge 1 locos and cars (or wagens), shouldn't MTH offer them in both 3 rail gauge 1 AND standard gauge? That would be nice for the USA customers. I wonder if anyone has requested that from MTH.
I think it would boost sales here in the US, because so many tinplate layouts over do not have gauge one 3 rail tinplate tracks.
I have a large loop of gauge one 3 rail track on my layout. It was very hard finding all the track.
Then I found Bernd Thul of Germany through a freind in Germany. He makes beautiful EXACT replica Marklin tinplate gauge 1 track, and makes awesome switches too. His company is called "Progress Tracks". It has the Marklin special wire clips. So you have no need for screwing down the track on a layout. It just stays in place, like original Marklin track. And it's shinny and gavanized exactly like Marklin track.
So does anyone agree that MTH should offer Marklin replica locos, like the very expensive CER or HR66 in Standard gauge? Those are like the 400E of Marklin. Except for being 10 times the cost of a 400E.
If so, I think we should be putting the bug in Mike Wolf's ear!