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Here is my homemade Life Savers car.  Plastic colored tape and a wrapper from a roll of Life Savers, that I got to enjoy made this car possible.



Approximately 45 years ago, I went to Canojoharie (sp?), NY, which had a Life Saver factory. The whole town smelled sweet because of the sugar.

That's  a very nice looking life saver tank car, Charlie. Arnold

Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari

Oh Boy, I like tank cars...

Here are some old tin Athearn ho kit tank cars... with one stray Flyer ho Texaco tank tossed in for confusion.

ATH ho SP YellowATH%20Crystal%20tank%20car%20sideATH%20Crystal%20tank%20carB394E082-197E-4EA7-BC73-2240349409C6COOP-SHELL partsCrystal car lin tanknother SPtankSP Diesel tank blkboxSP gas tanker

And a bunch of Lionel 2654's


Prewar Alexander O scale kit built tank car.  Cast Aluminum frame wood tank.


Another O scale wood tank with metal frame, this one hand lettered by Bill Lenoir


And a bunch of Walthers pre WWII kit built tank cars in O scale again.

Gulf 3808 3 dome tank carIMG_9992IMG_9994Texaco Waltehrs carWaltehrs tank car 3808 1944


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  • ATH ho SP Yellow
  • ATH%20Crystal%20tank%20car%20side
  • ATH%20Crystal%20tank%20car
  • B394E082-197E-4EA7-BC73-2240349409C6
  • COOP-SHELL parts
  • Crystal car lin tank
  • nother SPtank
  • SP Diesel tank blkbox
  • SP gas tanker
  • 17BFDD48-5851-4ED9-99F7-587B1B7D4C77
  • F825AFD7-0EE8-4E53-99E8-13AE421D6065
  • F857A1C5-0376-412F-8430-42182307ED8F
  • IMG_0251
  • IMG_0096
  • Gulf 3808 3 dome tank car
  • IMG_9992
  • IMG_9994
  • Texaco Waltehrs car
  • Waltehrs tank car 3808 1944


A few weeks ago, I posted 3 or 4 photos of some tankers I had painted and lettered for the Southern Pacific. Here’s another view of all of them.

I really like the old fashioned black tanker cars. I still remember many times (50 plus years ago) driving along the SP’s Bayshore yards in San Francisco and seeing a line of black, single dome oil tankers. So for the last three or four months I picked up various junker tank cars and fixed them up, painted them, and applied either dry transfer or decal lettering.
This is my repainted and relettered SP SW1 engine pulling  a train of black SP tanker cars with an SP caboose at the end.


Videos (1)
@CNJ Jim posted:

How about that one? Is it your custom job? I've never seen it before, and I try to collect all New Jersey company freight cars.

Cool fleet you have.

Thank you, Jim!

The Hayden tank car was done by me,  with Tichy Decals, set number 100420.

Hayden Chemical was located in Garfield NJ, on the banks of the Passaic River, where the Erie Dundee branch crossed the River, along Monroe Street.

The company produced Formaldehyde. They were owned by a German interest at the outbreak of WW1. The company was seized and transferred  to American buyers at that time, eventually being owned by American Cyanamide . I am not sure when the plant closed, but it is a field now…destined to be condominiums eventually…88D5167B-7BE6-4B1A-A6FF-FCB650DF7285


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  • 88D5167B-7BE6-4B1A-A6FF-FCB650DF7285

Arnold - glad you started this up again, as a "tank a holic" I have added a few new ones to my collection since we posted last June.  Here are my additions:

The Menards "Tide" tanker - just purchased from Menards, great price and great car by the way.

Menards Tide Tanker side viewMenards Tide Tanker end view

The Lionel 26120 KCS "1129" 3 dome from 2000

Lionel KCS 3D tank side Lionel KCS 3D tank Kansas end

The Lionel 29629 AEC "Radioactive Material Transport" car from 2009 (still glowing )

Lionel 29629 AEC tanker side viewLionel 29629 AEC tanker end view

Finally the Lionel 6-17899 NASA modern tanker.  This car was the 1992 LCCA convention car.

Lionel 17899 NASA tanker side viewLionel 17899 NASA tanker end viewLionel 17899 NASA tanker quarter view

Well those are my new buys...always hunting by the way " one dome at a time"...

Best wishes



Images (14)
  • Menards Tide Tanker side view
  • Menards Tide Tanker end view
  • Lionel 29629 AEC tanker side view
  • Lionel 29629 AEC tanker end view
  • Lionel 17899 NASA tanker side view
  • Lionel 17899 NASA tanker quarter view
  • Lionel 17899 NASA tanker end view
  • Lionel KCS 3D tank side
  • Lionel KCS 3D tank Kansas end
  • Lionel 29629 AEC tanker side view
  • Lionel 29629 AEC tanker end view
  • Lionel 17899 NASA tanker side view
  • Lionel 17899 NASA tanker end view
  • Lionel 17899 NASA tanker quarter view

Hey folks, I was searching for something for "Front End Friday" and I happened upon this here is another Lionel one dome, from 2010 the "LINEX" high octane gasoline car.  Note this one does not appear in my Greenberg pricing guide however I looked in my copy of the 2010 "Ready to Run" catalog and found it.  It was part of the "Lionel Scout" set that was pulled by a 2-4-2 diecast locomotive with headlight, smoke and whistle.  The small black circle has a logo that reads " Lionel Steel Car Foundry" a new one to me.   Cost for the set in 2010 was $109 including 5 cars, fastrack and transformer...not too bad.

Here is the Lionel # 36152 LINEX gasoline one dome tanker

Lionel 36152 LINEX tanker sideLionel 36152 LINEX tanker quarter

Best Wishes



Images (2)
  • Lionel 36152 LINEX tanker side
  • Lionel 36152 LINEX tanker quarter

Arnold, we have not been posting to your thread on Oil Tankers since about November.  So I thought I might post something controversial to stir up some interest, even negative interest might work.  This is my candidate for the "Worst and Least Prototypical Tank Car I could find"....Its a flea market find for about 50 cents (likely not worth that much).  I should note that the label reads "Classical New Style"...well I would wonder what the "old" style looked like!  Anyway here she is, sad but real. Note she actually is (at least close to) 0 gauge and she sits here on Lionel 3 rail track.

Toy tank car side viewToy tank car end view

OK now that I have your attention (HA!)...Arnold i don't know how to start a thread but you do it so about a thread on "Happy Hoppers or Good Gondola's"  might be fun.  Just a thought.



Images (2)
  • Toy tank car side view
  • Toy tank car end view

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