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I am sorry for the misinformation I have unintentionally put forth for approximately these past 2 years.

Many of you may have read my magazine articles or Internet Posts regarding my participation into the Achievement Program (Master Model Railroader) of the National Model Railroad Association. In those writings I have made statements to the effect that only one (1) “O” scale modeler had earned the distinction of Master Model Railroader.


However. ironically, that wrong assumption, derived from a Post on the OGR Forum, is precisely what inspired me to join the National Model Railroad Association in order to participate in the Achievement Program.

Today, October 8th, 2020, I learned from a variety of sources that many O scale modelers have in fact and indeed, received the honor and distinction of being recognized as a Master Model Railroader. My confusion stemmed from the fact that only John Siegel, who is a 3-rail O scale modeler, earned his Master Model Railroader certification. I am being told, with no way to verify or substantiate it, that John Siegel is the ONLY 3-rail modeler to earn certification as a Master Model Railroader.

I hope to be the second.

It is very important to note this fact about the Achievement Program. It is totally and completely irrelevant to note the number of rails or the scale a modeler typically uses. Why?

First, there are a number of categories in the Achievement Program which has absolutely nothing to do with scale or number of rails. Examples: Author, Official, Volunteer.

Secondly, regardless of a modeler's choice of scale or number of rails, he or she may use whatever they wish in the Achievement Program. Examples would include: scratch-building cars. Each car could be created in a different scale. Electrical certificate could be earned on a 3 rail layout and the Scenery certificate could be earned on a 2 rail layout.

The two most critical things you need to be successful are strong determination and willingness to learn.

Lastly, the greatest thing I've learned is this: even after closing in on 50 years in this hobby, I learn new things all the time. And the people you meet along the way are the best part of the process.

My only regret is that I didn't join the National Model Railroad Association long, long ago. Being a Member has brought me into contact with the largest group of model train fans I have ever been with before!

There is always something fun going on and / or something to look forward to!

Last edited by Rich Melvin
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John C, when I read your original post about only one O scale guy making MMR I thought it sounded incorrect. Thank you very much for the correction. I would like to know more John Siegel. Has anything he has done been published anywhere?

I did join the NMRA once but because of my job I could not attend any of their events. I also did not like every couple of months being solicited for a donation. I could see once a year but that got annoying so I dropped out. If I ever have the time I would like to rejoin someday and do what you are doing. I wish you good luck and I hope you achieve MMR with High Honors!


I always thought that you referring to 3-rail modelers achieving the MMR.  I am a NMRA member but I am not involved in the achievement program.  

There are several outstanding 3-rail modelers on this forum who could earn the MMR if they wished.  Neal Schorr comes immediately to mind.  (See his bridge post in this week's Weekend Photo Fun.  Neal's modeling is first class.)

I hope to see the announcement of you earning your MMR in the NMRA Magazine sometime soon.  

I was viewing your YouTube channel last night.  You and your wife's Glacier Lines is a fantastic layout.  Thank you for your videos and magazine articles.  

There should be several excellent 2 and 3 rail O gauge layouts open during the 2021 NMRA Convention in Santa Clara next July 4 to 11.  My club's G&O garden railroad will be open for convention bus tours.

Please feel free to contact me if you come to the convention.  I may be able to show you around.  My email is in my profile.  NH Joe

Here is a link to the G&O story on this forum:

Last edited by New Haven Joe
@John C. posted:


I am sorry for the misinformation I have unintentionally put forth for approximately these past 2 years.

Many of you may have read my magazine articles or Internet Posts regarding my participation into the Achievement Program (Master Model Railroader) of the National Model Railroad Association. In those writings I have made statements to the effect that only one (1) “O” scale modeler had earned the distinction of Master Model Railroader.


However. ironically, that wrong assumption, derived from a Post on the OGR Forum, is precisely what inspired me to join the National Model Railroad Association in order to participate in the Achievement Program.

Today, October 8th, 2020, I learned from a variety of sources that many O scale modelers have in fact and indeed, received the honor and distinction of being recognized as a Master Model Railroader. My confusion stemmed from the fact that only John Siegel, who is a 3-rail O scale modeler, earned his Master Model Railroader certification. I am being told, with no way to verify or substantiate it, that John Siegel is the ONLY 3-rail modeler to earn certification as a Master Model Railroader.

I hope to be the second.

It is very important to note this fact about the Achievement Program. It is totally and completely irrelevant to note the number of rails or the scale a modeler typically uses. Why?

First, there are a number of categories in the Achievement Program which has absolutely nothing to do with scale or number of rails. Examples: Author, Official, Volunteer.

Secondly, regardless of a modeler's choice of scale or number of rails, he or she may use whatever they wish in the Achievement Program. Examples would include: scratch-building cars. Each car could be created in a different scale. Electrical certificate could be earned on a 3 rail layout and the Scenery certificate could be earned on a 2 rail layout.

The two most critical things you need to be successful are strong determination and willingness to learn.

Lastly, the greatest thing I've learned is this: even after closing in on 50 years in this hobby, I learn new things all the time. And the people you meet along the way are the best part of the process.

My only regret is that I didn't join the National Model Railroad Association long, long ago. Being a Member has brought me into contact with the largest group of model train fans I have ever been with before!

There is always something fun going on and / or something to look forward to!


How are you progressing towards earning your MMR?  NH Joe

@John C. posted:


I am sorry for the misinformation I have unintentionally put forth for approximately these past 2 years.

Many of you may have read my magazine articles or Internet Posts regarding my participation into the Achievement Program (Master Model Railroader) of the National Model Railroad Association. In those writings I have made statements to the effect that only one (1) “O” scale modeler had earned the distinction of Master Model Railroader.


Yes. Lots of MMRs in O scale

Today, October 8th, 2020, I learned from a variety of sources that many O scale modelers have in fact and indeed, received the honor and distinction of being recognized as a Master Model Railroader. My confusion stemmed from the fact that only John Siegel, who is a 3-rail O scale modeler, earned his Master Model Railroader certification. I am being told, with no way to verify or substantiate it, that John Siegel is the ONLY 3-rail modeler to earn certification as a Master Model Railroader.

I thought that as well, but I've been told that there was at least one other - John might the only one that's still living.  Not sure what his status is now - not seen him for 5-6 years and had heard he had retired from model RR'ing.

My only regret is that I didn't join the National Model Railroad Association long, long ago. Being a Member has brought me into contact with the largest group of model train fans I have ever been with before!

There is always something fun going on and / or something to look forward to!

Great!  Stick around and show us more of your models as you progress toward MMR status


I'm working on getting my MMR.  I already have my Electrical (on a 3-rail system, no less) and Author's certificates.  I'm shooting for MMR #777, but at this rate I might have to settle for #7777! 

I've never faced any grief because of choosing 3-rails over 2.  And the Panhandle has a strong following in my division.

Just keep plugging away at it.


Assistant Superintendent, MCR Division 2 (Keystone)

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