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I recently picked up a Lionel 4-6-2 and an RS-3 in Southern livery. When I bought the steamer I also took the Southern Lionel N5b style caboose which I now know is completely wrong for SR. I see plenty of Lionel bay window cabeese in not scale size on the bay. The darker red ones look nice but I was curious about the green/white/gold ones. I cannot believe they (SR) painted the roofs gold. The green and white would look good with RS3. But is the color correct? Or just go with red or red/brown. I looked at the SR painting site mentioned elsewhere and the green/white is not mentioned. I saw one in another thread with a green roof which looks more likely but apparently it is scale. Trying to sort out that cluster foxtrot now that I have a train room and display shelves. It appears I did not always choose wisely when I bought in the past


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I had a step-father that was an engineer on the Southern for 40+ years. All of the Southern Cab's that I ever saw were Red only. That doesn't mean that there weren't some painted something other that red. But that is the only ones I ever remember seeing...If my memory serves me, they went to the Bay Window types, at the same time they got rid of their steam engines, and I believe, the fire was dropped on their last "Mikado" in 1953......or  maybe a year before...

Last edited by Brandy

Hi Frank,

Southern cabooses were mainly red except 1962-1969 when they were brown. Then, president D. William Brosnan, in a cost saving move, had the cabooses paint brown like box cars.

K-Line made a nice example of a red bay window caboose #K612-2012


K-Line also made one in brown #K612-2011


For an older woody version, 1930's -end of the 1950's, look up Brother Love here on the Forum. He does excellent work! Just remember, it's your railroad, run what you like. Tom


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  • 20161102_142332
  • 20170924_201601

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