I recently picked up a Lionel 4-6-2 and an RS-3 in Southern livery. When I bought the steamer I also took the Southern Lionel N5b style caboose which I now know is completely wrong for SR. I see plenty of Lionel bay window cabeese in not scale size on the bay. The darker red ones look nice but I was curious about the green/white/gold ones. I cannot believe they (SR) painted the roofs gold. The green and white would look good with RS3. But is the color correct? Or just go with red or red/brown. I looked at the SR painting site mentioned elsewhere and the green/white is not mentioned. I saw one in another thread with a green roof which looks more likely but apparently it is scale. Trying to sort out that cluster foxtrot now that I have a train room and display shelves. It appears I did not always choose wisely when I bought in the past