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There's an early (SIT) K5 shell on eBay now.

Recall that Gilbert never made a K4, choosing instead to model the less-than-successful K5, of which (I think) only two were ever built.

The K4 was originally fitted with a smallish 70-P-70 tender holding only 7,000 US gallons, while the K5 sported a 130-P-75 tender carrying 12,475 US gal. I seem to recall pictures of later K4s with different tender designs, so it's reasonable to expect that some were similar to those of the K5. Anyone know for sure?


Last edited by Craig Donath

Hi Guys, thanks for the information. 

B Moran - thanks, but I have plenty of Atlantic Tender shells, I need a Hudson & K4 (5) - they are metal shells (I understand). 

Mark, the tender looks like a piece of crap and asking $49 - no way.

I guess I will use the pristine Hudson and not kit bash it, unless I find stuff at Allentown. We (North Penn S Gaugers) are running there this time.



I have a small, unpainted, brass oil (not coal) tender that I will have for sale at Fall S Fest in Wisconsin this coming weekend. It was scratchbuilt by a California S scaler, so was designed for scale flanges. But it comes with NO axles, so might be a candidate for hirail conversion. If you or a friend will be in Oconomowoc this Friday or Saturday you are welcome to take a look. Price is only $25. I catch Amtrak's Empire Builder east on Tuesday, so won't be following this forum Tuesday through the S gauge-only show.


Gil Hulin 

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