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Arrrrgh!  This new format is maddening!  There's no way I can see to reply without a quote!  This was done after I closed the page and opened it again!  That's why there's two messages from me.  There was also no way to simply delete a post, nor edit one. 

But back to the poll.  Yes, I would be interested in one.  Most roads had them, and a yellow or orange would be great.  As far as road specifics, they were lettered very simply and press on letters or simple decals would make it at home on any road.  If anyone has a small yard scene, one of these little critters would look great.

Last edited by poniaj
banjoflyer posted:

The $50.00 price point would make this an item to consider. The $75.00 would be top end I would think. If it will run on AC I think it will sell. After all, Lionel tries to sell the same old tired boxcars in this price range so a motorized vehicle would be a far better way to spend some $$.

I would think Safety orange or yellow would be a good generic color that any railroad might have used.

If the roadname is easily changed by the sign on the front that would open it up for all buyers.

I'd consider it. But you'd have to offer MKT as a roadname.



     Yes, it will run on AC. 

Dave, LBR

To be very clear about this proposed venture. These speeders will: run on AC (at present forward only), come with a selection of decals for various railroads, unit will be solid orange color. Probably have LED headlight and LED rear red light. The target price is $49.50 USD plus shipping (approx. $5.00).

     Any one, any more questions?

Dave, LBR

Last edited by CUSTOM "O" DECALS
banjoflyer posted: post w/o a quote just start typing in the bottom box after the last post titled "Add reply".

To reply with a quote hit the "Take Action" button in the post you want to quote.

After you post something and want to make changes hit the "Take action" button at the bottom of your  post. You will be able to edit or delete your post.


Done, and thanks, Mark!

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