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I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but do you prefer going to York in the Spring or the Fall? Is it better weather, more people, more things to look forward to?


I ask this since I think it's time to cut back slowly but surely on spending money on trains and cut back on going to this huge, great show.

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Some people will say that October is better because it is the "start" of "train season" when the weather gets bad for much of the country.  It also leads up to the holidays when trains are more on the brain for a lot of folks.


But since you indicate you've been going consistently to both and are considerring cutting one out, what do you think?  Your observations based on your trips are more important in your decision than what others may declare the proper answer based on their interests.



Last edited by Dave45681

I've found bargains at both meets. I like talking to people there, and it's the only time I see many of them. Rather than choose April or October, I would choose based on personal circumstances. If funds are tight or there is/are other commitments, pass on that meet.


It's easier said than done, but tell yourself that looking can be better than buying.


Just my two cents.

After this meet I must agree there is a distinct difference. April is more laid back, somewhat lesser attendance, and more bargains to be had. October has that train season buzz in the air, greater attendance, but generally higher prices to go with it.

In a nutshell, April is the shopper's show, October has more "atmosphere" if you will.
Originally Posted by PC9850:

In a nutshell, April is the shopper's show, October has more "atmosphere" if you will.

As one who has never been to York, I appreciate everyone's opinion, however I like Nick's nutshell.  I am sure either show would knock the socks off anyone who has only been to shows at local fire halls or even a Greenbergs.  Please keep the feedback rolling.  Thank you.

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