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t's been busy week moving along on the layout.and some of the basic scenery is in place. I say basic because it is what I call the foundation layer after which I will go through and detail, detail and .....detail.

I do this because the layout has to be presentable for the start of the upcoming show season and if something comes up, all of the scenes have to be at least presentable. Some of the structures are obviously just sitting on the layout. The backdrop system is just sitting up there for now. This gives me motivation to move on. Videos on the way as well.








Last edited by Joey_Ricard
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Looking "Great" as usual Joey. The creek running under that bridge looks amazing. I don't think that I ever seen anything that real with the exception of an outdoor "G" gauge I saw many years ago in Tennessee, but it was real, w/white water and all. man you hit this one out of the Ball Park when u finish...................Brandy!


P.S. be a real good one to bring to our show in Huntington Civic Center this year Thanksgiving.

When I was a kid, I'd take advantage of riding banasters on stairways/stairwells. I would have loved to ride the last one at the old church,coming down the stair case. Probably be doing 30mph when you hit the bottom.I like the rest on the forum, it's amazing how he, (Joey) makes this stuff look so real.           ...................Brandy

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